2 posisi untuk geografer di PIK Postdam (salah satu institusi yang
cukup maju untuk riset-riset tentang perubahan iklim). Secara garis
besar, risetnya mengenai adaptasi dan mitigasi terhadap perubahan
iklim dari perspektif negara-negara berkembang, salah satu bidang yang
juga cukup berkembang saat ini.
2 PhD positions (Geographers) at PIK Potsdam, climate
*2 Geographers (initially until 31.12.2010, kr02)*
/Qualification: /An advanced university degree (Master or equivalent)
in Geography (social/physical), geoecology or in a closely related
field. Good knowledge of all thematic areas of climate change (climate
impact analysis, adaptation and mitigation, technology transfer)
particularly from the developing country perspective, and GIS
expertise is necessary.
/Tasks:/ Conduct regional climate impact analyses, development and
systematic analyses of adaptation concepts for the target regions.
Research will focus on sector-specific climatic impacts, and as well
on the development of protection concepts with due consideration of
climate protection, adaptation, and sustainability. A close
cooperation with other projects targeting developing countries is
mandatory. You should develop, implement and contribute to the
improvement of processes and procedures concerning adaptation in the
target regions. Close cooperation with scientific and administrative
institutions, presentation of results to various audiences and
communication with stakeholders are required.
Positions will contribute to the development of a Global Climate
Impact and Adaptation Information System embedded in a project to be
carried out in close cooperation with the Deutsche Gesellschaft für
Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ). Targeted countries in this context
are India, China, Brazil, Indonesia, Mexico, South-Africa and Tunisia.
All positions require the willingness to work on climate change issues
from a developing country perspective and for international travel.
Teamwork, enthusiasm, flexibility, innovation, and excellent spoken
and writing skills in English are prerequisite. Working knowledge in
Spanish, French or Portuguese is an additional asset.
The project will be carried out in the working group North-South Theme
within PIK’s Research Domain 2 (”Climate Impacts & Vulnerabilities”).
The North-South Theme focuses on development in particular with
respect to the potential avoidance of ill-management and development
traps associated with the challenges of climate change. The
overarching idea of the project is to frame and to provide regional
climate impact analyses for relevant sectors/regions in the target
countries, and in parallel to design visionary and foresighted
transition pathways to sustainability, information provision, and
decision support. Central questions are, for example, to identify
future no-stay/no-go areas as well as to evaluate innovative
development pathways towards sustainability reconciling mitigation of
and adaptation to climate change.
For more information:
Saturday, November 1, 2008
2 PhD Positions PIK Postdam, Climate Change (Geographers)
9:33 AM
