PhD Student “Human and social sustainability in work organizations”
Eindhoven, (Noord-Brabant), 40 hours per week Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
Job description
Project description
The PhD student will conduct his/her research in the project “Human and social sustainability in work organizations”. The research is about designing regenerative work. Regenerative work is defined as work that supports the growth and revitalization of employees’ various resources. Regenerative work thus increases employees’ ability to function in the future while also promoting positive affective states and performance in the present.
The regenerative potential of work relates to the manageability of work (e.g., a balance between resources and work demands), the clarity of goals, and feedback received. This research builds on previous methodologies concerning the analysis and design of jobs. The research will use both surveys and case studies, and will be carried out in industrial companies, in which work crafting is developed in the context of (hyper)turbulent and unpredictable change.
This PhD position is embedded in the KNAW-acknowledged Beta Graduate School for Operations Management and Logistics.
University Graduate
For this position we are interested in candidates who show an interest in the development of chaos and complexity theory and the willingness to engage in the co-development of such theory in an international network context. Candidates should be familiar with case study methods, and techniques for quantitative data analysis, and must show competence in writing in English.
Candidates with a master in Work & Organizational Psychology, Operations Management and Logistics, Innovation Management, or related programs are invited to apply. The PhD candidate is expected to deliver a PhD thesis and a number of scientific publications within a period of 4 years.
Technische Universiteit Eindhoven Department of Technology Management
The Department of Technology Management is a leading school in the area of industrial engineering and management science as well as innovation sciences. TM”s mission is closely tied to its pioneering work in developing an engineering perspective on business processes as well as its interdisciplinary research on transitions in societies in relation to technical changes. At the heart of our academic philosophy is the synergy between research and teaching. Moreover, TM is a decidedly small-scale department in which scholars and students together with practitioners work on critical problems at the interface of engineering, management, innovation, and human behavior. TM offers two BSc and four MSc programs and contributes to several other educational programs of the TU/e.
Conditions of employment
Estimated maximum salary per month: eur 2000 - 2500
Employment basis: Temporary for specified period
Duration of the contract: 4 years
Maximum hours per week: 40
Additional Information
Additional information about the vacancy can be obtained from:
dr. F.M van Eijnatten
Telephone number: +31(0)402472469
Mrs. C.J.M van Overdijk
Telephone number: +31(0)402475204
E-mail address:
Or additional information can be obtained through one of the following links.
* About the organization
You can apply for this job before 06-10-2008 by sending your application to:
Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
Paviljoen R 1.23
Eindhoven University of Technology
Postbus 513
5600 MB Eindhoven
E-mail address:
When applying for this job always mention the vacancy number V39.460.
The short URL code for this job opening is: 00357-493.
You can use this as a direct link to the job by adding the code to the URL
Monday, September 1, 2008
Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
3:32 AM
