Announcement of a competitive exam for admission to the XXIV cycle of
Research Doctorate courses
Information carried hereafter is a synthesis of the announcement
promulgated by D.R. n. 482 of the 6th August 2008. Therefore
applicants are invited to read carefully the full text of the
Application for admission to the exam (art. 3)
The application should be sent by computer filling in the form
available on-line within the 25th September 2008, h. 24.00 (Central
European Time).
Within the 25th September 2008 applicants have to apply for admission
to the courses by filling in the form available on-line. Within the
26th September 2008 paper signed copy of the application form has to
- sent by registered post to the following address: Università degli
Studi di Udine, Ripartizione Ricerca – Sezione Ricerca Pubblica
(Research Services Division), vicolo Florio n. 4, 33100 Udine. The
post mark will testify to the date.
- delivered by hand to the Università degli Studi di Udine, Centro
Gestione e Documenti, Via Palladio 8, 33100 Udine, respecting the
following times: from Monday to Friday from 9.00 to 13.00.
Admission exams (art. 6, 7, 8)
The exams, aimed at evaluating the candidates’ aptitude for
scientific research, will take place in accordance with the
procedures and dates indicated in the announcement. Communications to
the candidates will be made exclusively through publication on this
Internet site.
Candidates who are resident abroad may also take part only on the
basis of evaluation of academic titles, exclusively for the reserved
places, if these are envisaged for the individual research doctorate.
The following eligible but not selected candidates may be admitted in
excess without a grant and within the maximum number provided for in
the announcement: researchers receiving cheques as in L. 449/97;
researchers receiving a research grant; employees of Italian Public
Adminsitration; citizens resident abroad.
The final lists (art. 9)
The final lists will be made public on the 24th November 2008. There
will be no communications to home addresses.
Admission to courses and enrolment formalities (art. 10, 11)
The selected candidates will be required to provide the documentation
for enrolment within the deadline of the 4th December 2008.
The paper applications received after the 4th December 2008 will be
excluded and places will be filled taking candidates from further
down the list.
The list of the candidates designated to replace selected candidates
who have renounced the courses or been declared ineligible, will be
made public on the 9th December 2008. Those candidates who desire to
take the vacant places, will be required to provide the documentation
for enrolment within the deadline of the 19th December 2008.
Aggiornato il 27/08/2008
Call for application:
Application Form:
Monday, September 1, 2008
Open PhD positions at University of Udine, Italy
3:47 AM
