Monday, September 1, 2008

LOWONGAN BUMN: Trading Indonesia

One of BUMN, Indonesia Trading Company, PT. Needs A professional candidates for position:
1. Management Trainee
S1 in any major

2. Acounting Staff
D2/S1 Accounting

3. Medical Sales Representatif
D3/S1 in any major

4. Agronomist/Pestiside Salesman
D3/S1 Agronomist


Male or Female(1-2)

Male (3-4)

Minimun GPA of 2,80(1-2)

Fresh graduate are welcome(1-2)

Familiar and specialized in Accounting(2)

Minimum 1 year experience in each backgrounds

Able working with team and willing to work in under pressure & over time conditions

Willing to be located in all branches in Indonesia
If you meet the above requirements, send your complete resume and recently photographs 4 (3×4) to:

HRD Division, 3rd floor,

Jl. Abdul Muis No. 8 Jakarta Pusat

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