*The Transregional Collaborative Research Center*
*SFB/TR 8 Spatial Cognition: Reasoning, Action, Interaction
at the Universities of Bremen and Freiburg, Germany*
pursues interdisciplinary long-term research in Spatial Cognition.
Particular emphasis is given to:
- *Action in Space: *Cognitive robotics, explorative localization and
mapping, robot navigation, human navigation and wayfinding, sensorimotor
representations of spatio-temporal structures, embodied cognition;
- *Spatial Reasoning: *Knowledge representation, human spatial thinking,
computational modeling, diagrammatic reasoning, cognitive and computational
complexity, qualitative spatio-temporal calculi;
- *Communication and Interaction in Space: *Formal methods, spatial and
linguistic ontologies, computational linguistics, environmental cognition,
integration of spatial methods.
A description of the current research projects of the SFB/TR 8 can be found
The SFB/TR 8 is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG).
The SFB/TR 8 advertises the following position:
*1 Research Assistant / Postdoctoral Researcher*
SFB/TR 8 project A5-[ActionSpace], Universität Bremen
(TVL 13, approx. € 35,000 to € 50,000 p.a. gross)
reference number A 112/08
The position is available from September 2008, subject to the availability
of the funds, until the end of 2010. Extension is possible.
The researcher will develop a multi-hierarchical sensorimotor representation
established by actions (movements of the agent and of his sensors) and by
complex sensory properties (nonlinear wavelet features, multisensory
information). Moreover, he/she will develop a subsystem that enables
unsupervised learning of hierarchical knowledge structures. The sensorimotor
representation will be implemented and tested in a (virtual) mobile agent,
which must be able to perform exploratory localization and navigation. The
detailed work plan is specified in the project proposal.
The applicant should have a degree in computer science or in a related field
(diploma, master’s, or Ph.D.). Strong interest in interdisciplinary
collaboration is expected.
In particular, the applicant should have qualifications and/or interests in
the following fields:
- Artificial intelligence and cognitive science
- Computer vision, image processing, auditory and multisensory processing
- Natural scene statistics
- Classification techniques (subspace classifiers, etc.)
- Neural networks and unsupervised learning (e.g., independent component
- Software development and programming (Java, C, Python, Matlab)
- Interest and basic background in neurobiology and perception
We offer the opportunity to gain research experience in a modern and
enthusiastic research environment with strong interdisciplinary and
international links. Responsibilities include project work and research,
publication of research results, supervision of student projects,
participation in the activities of the SFB/TR 8, and contribution to
research proposals.
Universität Bremen is an equal opportunity employer. Women are especially
encouraged to apply. Handicapped applicants with equal qualifications will
be given preferential treatment.
Please address questions about the position and send your application under
the reference number A 112/08 (preferably by email) to:
Prof. Kerstin Schill (Cognitive Neuroinformatic)
SFB/TR 8 - Spatial Cognition
Universität Bremen
P.O. Box 330 440
28334 Bremen / Germany
By email: ischulz@informatik.uni-bremen.de
Application deadline: 15 July 2008 (or until a suitable candidate is found).
We would be very grateful, if you could submit your application documents as
copies (no folders), we can not send your documents back because of cost
reasons; after the application process the documents will be destroyed.
Email penting:
Prof. Kerstin Schill
ischulz at informatik.uni-bremen.de
Pengumuman ini dibuka tanggal 9 Juli sampai 15 Juli 2008. Tidak mungkin
proyek jangka panjang bikin iklan cuma seminggu.
Jadi jangan percaya tenggat waktunya (deadline), biasanya dia mengulang lagi
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Post doc in Spatial Cognition, Uni Bremen, Germany
6:49 PM
