PhD Scholarship Environmental Economics & Earth System Modelling Hamburg
Beasiswa dari Max Planck Institute (salah satu institusi ber-reputasi
dunia berkedudukan di Jerman) di bidang ekonomi lingkungan dan
pemodelan sistem bumi. Bidang yang saat ini sedang cukup berkembang
dalam diskursus dan juga aplikasi. Terutama dalam konteks sistem
sosial ekologi.
Jabat erat,
PhD Scholarships (Environmental Economics and Earth System Modelling)
Hamburg University (Germany)
The International Max Planck Research School on Earth System
Modelling (IMPRS-ESM), in Hamburg, Germany, is a PhD program jointly
offered by the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology and the
University of Hamburg. The School comprises institutions and
scientists from the broad field of Earth sciences, as well as from
the economics and social sciences. The IMPRS-ESM contributes to the
development, application and evaluation of a spectrum of Earth system
models at different complexity and spatial and temporal scales.
The IMPRS-ESM offers several doctoral positions to outstanding
students interested in interdisciplinary studies in the comprehensive
field of Earth system research. Detailed information is available on
our internet site
The PhD program is open to applicants holding the equivalent of a
German Diplom or a Master’s degree (with written thesis) in physics,
geophysical sciences (incl. meteorology and oceanography), chemistry,
ecology, mathematics, computer science, economics, or political
science. Applicants need to register on-line
( application.html) and e-mail to us
the requested application documents. Application deadline is
September 15, 2008 (online registration closes September 8) . The
selection procedure includes an interview of shortlisted applicants.
Successful candidates will be offered financial support of about
1,000 Euro monthly to cover living expenses. There are no tuition
Positions will be available starting March 2009 (duration up to 3
The Max Planck Institute for Meteorology seeks to increase the number
of female scientists and encourages them to apply. Disabled persons
with comparable qualifications receive preferential status.
For questions, please contact:
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
PhD Scholarship Environmental Economics
6:36 AM
