PhD in Bioinformatics [Honours in Stats, Maths, Computer Science or Molecular Biology, and knowledge of Bayesian Stats, Bioinformatics, and/or Computational Biology would be desirable]
Australian National University, University of Queensland and Queensland University of Technology
PhD in Bioinformatics
Several PhD scholarships are available in a newly funded ARC project for developing and applying computational/statistical methods for detection of non-coding RNAs in eukaryote genomes. This is quite a hot topic, so you will be working at the forefront of bioinformatics with leading experts in the field in Australia and internationally.
You will be supervised by Prof Peter Adams (University of Queensland), Dr Jonathan Keith (Queensland University of Technology) and/or Dr Georg Weiller (Australian National University) and located at the university of your principal supervisor. We are looking for candidates with Honours in Statistics, Mathematics, Computer Science or Molecular Biology, and knowledge of Bayesian Statistics,
Bioinformatics, and/or Computational Biology would be desirable.
For more information, please contact Prof Peter Adams (Email: pa[ at ], Phone (07) 33653276), Dr Jonathan Keith (Email: j.keith[ at ], Phone (07) 31388314) or Dr Georg Weiller (Email: georg.weiller[ at ], Phone (02) 61255916).
Monday, May 19, 2008
PhD Positions in Bioinformatics, Australia
11:50 PM
