7 PhD and three PostDoc positions in short range sensing,
localization and wireless communication
09. May 2008
7 PhD scholarships and 3 PostDoc
project are offered within the area of Wireless sensor networks at
the Department of Electronics and Telecommunications , NTNU and at
the Department of Informatics
with Rikshospitalet University Hospital and Norwegian Defence
Research Establishment. Download the full announcement.
The scholarships are financed by the Research Council of Norway (NFR)
under the VERDIKT program . The project is on medical sensing,
localization, and communications using ultra wideband technology
(MELODY) for 7 years (2008-2015) and is a joint effort among
Rikshospitalet University Hospital, Norwegian University
and Technology, Norwegian Defence Research Establishment, and
University of Oslo. The project will have strong collaboration
several top international universities and leading industry in areas
of wireless technology
project can be found at http://www.melody-project.info. fellowships related to the MELODY , University of Oslo in collaboration of Science and medical sensing. Information about the with
The goal of the project is to develop more basic understanding of,
and novel and more efficient principles for the above mentioned area,
and address improvements in short range medical sensing,
localization, and energy-efficient and robust wireless communications
for inside and on body applications.
1. Ultra Wideband Communication Three PhD and one Postdoc fellowships
are available in the area of wireless sensor network
on cognitive wireless sensor networks, signal processing for robust
in-body/on-body communications, and distributed signal processing for
communications (joint optimization of source-channel coding and
modulation, (etc.), where energy minimization of and spectrum
utilization are emphasized. Algorithms based on bio-inspired networks
with self-awareness, learning capability, and use of artificial
intelligence (AI) will be investigated. The overall optimization aims
at the end-to-end throughput, minimization of delay and bit error
rate/packet error rate, and the reduction of the effect of
interferences and will focus
2. Microelectronics for Ultra Wideband Localization Two PhD and one
Postdoc fellowships are available in microelectronics implementation
for high precision in-body/on-body localization and will focus on
time-domain implementations of impulse radio based solutions using
wireless sensor network in nanometer scale microelectronics. The
candidates must be able to handle the full design cycle for custom-
designed microelectronics. Implemented solutions must be demonstrated
in prototype setup. In conjunction with prototyping some programming
skills for microcontrollers are required. Background in RF design
would be an advantage.
3. Ultra Wideband Radar Two PhD and one Postdoc fellowships are
available in ultra wideband (UWB) radar for medical application and
will focus on short range sensing and imaging of human body. The team
will be using a prototype UWB radar system for measuring heart beat
and other vital signs parameters. The initial work will focus on
determining optimal frequency range and signal processing methods for
extraction of different body parameters, where time-frequency-space
analysis, phased array imaging and other signal processing methods
will be investigated
PhD candidates working in Topic #1 will be enrolled at NTNU in
Trondheim, while PhD candidates working in Topics #2 and #3 will be
enrolled at the University of Oslo. The candidates in Trondheim will
be associated with the Signal Processing Group at the Department of
Electronics and Telecommunications at NTNU while candidates in Oslo
will be associated with either Interventional Centre, Rikshospitalet
University Hospital, Micro Electronics Group, Department of
Informatics, University of Oslo or Norwegian Defence Research
Establishment (FFI). The candidates associated with FFI may require
security clearance. They will all work in strong and active
scientific environments, and the project will incorporate
collaboration with several foreign partners, including National and
European industry. Absolute requirement is that active international
publication ofresearch results in high impact, top peer-reviewed
journals and conferences must be pursued.
We seek highly motivated individuals holding a masters degree or
equivalent education in electrical/computer engineering,
communication technology
disciplines. The candidates must formally be qualified for Ph.D.
studies at NTNU or University of Oslo. General information about
doctoral studies at NTNU and University of Oslo can be found at
http://www.ime.ntnu.no/Dr.gradsstudier and
http://www.matnat.uio.no/english/research/education/index.html. It is
required that the scholarship holders apply for, and are accepted
for, the Ph.D. study program as soon as possible after hiring., microelectronics, or other relevant
PhD positions are available for 3 years, where Postdoc positions are
normally available for 2 years with possible extension up to 2
additional years depending on obtained results and publications.
The salary and terms are according to the Norwegian state
regulations. The PhD position salary will be at NOK 325 800 – 350 000
per annum, while the Postdoc position salary will be at NOK 400 000 –
430 000 per annum. Full salary during illness and five week paid
holidays are according to the state regulations.
Interested candidates are encouraged to contact Project Manager
Ilangko Balasingham (e-mail: ilangkob[at]rr-research.no;
phone: +47 93459022 ), Prof. Svein-Erik Hamran, (e-
mail: sveinerik.hamran[at]ffi.no, phone +47
63807254 ), Prof. Tor Sverre Lande (e-mail: bassen[at]
ifi.uio.no, phone +47 22852455 ), or Prof. Tor
Ramstad (e-mail: ramstad[at]iet.ntnu.no, phone: +47
73594314 ) for further information. Prof.
All applications must contain a cover letter, curriculum vitae,
certified copies of transcripts with grades for bachelor and master
degrees, and two letters of recommendations. In addition the
applications for Postdocs must also contain a PhD certificate. A good
command of English is required for all candidates. Non-native English
speaking international candidates must document their English
language proficiency through either TOEFL - Test of English as a
Foreign Language (test result of min. 600 PBT or 250 CTB or 100 IBT)
or IELTS - International English Language Testing Service (test
result of 7.0 or better).
The applicant should specify if the application is for one
scholarship or several scholarships with reference number to Topic
#1, #2 and/or #3. Incomplete applications will no be considered.
The application deadline is June 10, 2008. The application with all
enclosures should be submitted before the application deadline to:
Prof. Ilangko Balasingham
Interventional Centre
N-0027 Oslo
Monday, May 19, 2008
7 PhD positions in Wireless Sensor Networks, NTNU, Norway
11:54 PM
