Two PhD-researchers on heritage formation in colonial and postcolonial Indonesia and the Netherlands
Amsterdam, 1081, (Noord-Holland) , VU University Amsterdam
Job description
Two PhD-researchers
Faculty of Arts, Department of History Political history, cultural history and global history are three main foci of the Department of History’s contemporary research programme. The section of Political History focuses on issues of nationbuilding, citizenship and political culture in its relationship to processes of signification, inclusion and exclusion. Histories of colonialism and decolonisation are important in this respect.
Research project
Within the broader context of the NWO-programme on Cultural Dynamics two PhD-posts have been formulated for the research programme Sites, Bodies and Stories. The Dynamics of Heritage Formation in Colonial and Postcolonial Indonesia and the Netherlands. These are:
1 –Physical Anthropology, Colonial Practice and Cultural Policies;
2 –Performing identity, Shaping Heritage – Wayang puppet theatre and the dynamics of heritage formation in contemporary Indonesia.
Both PhD researchers are supposed to develop the research questions formulated in the Sites, Bodies and Stories outline, and push these further. These are leading questions, which have been drafted for a collaborative project with many stakeholders involved.
Interdisciplinary collaboration and sharing of research results will be at stake in each phase of the progamme. Research will take place within the context of the new VU research institute on Heritage, Urban Landscapes and Cultural Environments CLUE.
University Graduate
•Research MA or double MA in history and/or other relevant academic disciplines;
•solid working knowledge on Indonesian history, culture and contemporary society;
•experience with sources and academic practices in Dutch colonialism;
•conceptual approach to tangible and intangible heritage and experience with the representation of culture in museums or academic institutions like laboratories;
•experience with research outside the Netherlands, preferably in Indonesia. Basic knowledge of Bahasa Indonesia is an advantage;
•experience with collection databases and international communication through digital platforms.
VU University Amsterdam Faculty of Arts
Amsterdam, the capital of the Netherlands, has been a renowned cultural, scientific and commercial centre for many centuries. It was here, in 1880, that the VU University Amsterdam first opened its doors to students. VU stands for ‘Vrije Universiteit’ , which means ‘Free University’. Here, ‘free’ refers to freedom of state and church interference. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam was established in 1880 by orthodox protestants. Nowadays it aims to be inspiring, innovative and involved.
Throughout the past century, the university has continued to expand. It now comprises twelve faculties and has teaching facilities for 18,000 students.
Click here for an overview of faculties and institutes: http://www.english. the_VU/
The university campus and university hospital are situated in the south-western part of Amsterdam, one of the most dynamic and fast-growing business districts in the Netherlands. The international airport of Schiphol-Amsterdam is 10 kilometres away, just 8 minutes by train. With more than fifty undergraduate (or bachelor’s) programmes and almost a hundred postgraduate (or master’s) programmes, the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam offers a wide choice of study options. The programmes are of a high quality, the atmosphere is very conducive to study, and the teaching staff is easily accessible.
The new Department of Language and
Communication brings linguists from various language backgrounds together in one department and is responsible for a range of BA and MA degrees in the Faculty of Arts. The English language section is one of the main groups in the department, with a permanent staff of seven. It contributes English linguistics and high-level English language skills courses to BA degrees in English, Communication & Information
Sciences, and Language & Communication Studies, as well as to MA degrees in English, Linguistics, Communication & Information Sciences, and ICT & Translation.
Conditions of employment
Employment basis: Temporary for specified period
Duration of the contract: temporary
Additional conditions of employment:
The PhD-researchers will spend part of their research time in Indonesia, and will also collaborate within the Netherlands with Indonesian researchers and MA students. Throughout the research programme, improvement of communication skills in Bahasa Indonesia will be required.
We want to mention that for both PhD posts qualified candidates are known to the programme leaders. However, others who apply will be offered a fair chance. The PhD researchers are supposed to spend a one year minimum 0,1 fte to the education programme in the BA phase of History, related to their research. A contract of employment is offered, initially for a period of 12 months, extendable to 45 months
upon a positive evaluation. More information about our fringe benefits you can find on: .
The salary is based on the salary scales for academic staff. The salary in the first year amounts to € 2.000,- gross per month, increasing to € 2.558,- gross per month in the fourth year.
Additional Information
Or additional information can be obtained through one of the following links.
* About the organization
* About the department
* About the function
You can apply for this job before 19-05-2008 by sending your application to:
VU University Amsterdam
Faculty of Arts
Dr. G.J. Nijsten
De Boelelaan 1105
1081 HV Amsterdam
The Netherlands
E-mail address: vacature@let.
For more information please contact Prof Dr. S.LegĂȘne, by phone +31 (20) 59 82938,
email: s.legene@let.
Send your application (with the vacancy number on the top left side of the letter and the envelope or in the e-mail header) before May 19th 2008 to the VU University Amsterdam, Faculty of Arts, attn. Dr. GJ.M. Nijsten, Managing Director De Boelelaan 1105, 1081 HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands, or by e-mail to: vacature@let.
When applying for this job always mention the vacancy number 1.2008.00129.
The short URL code for this job opening is: 00353-606. You can use this as a direct link to the job by adding the code to the URL www.academictransfe
Monday, May 19, 2008
2 PhD-researchers on heritage formation in colonial and postcolonial Indonesia and the Netherlands
11:31 PM
