A postdoc position in the field of first-principles computer simulations of materials at high pressure is available in the group of Prof. Burkhard Militzer at UC Berkeley. The work focuses on the application of condensed matter simulation techniques to planetary science problems in order to improve our understanding of the interior of planets. Physicists with a background in computational methods are encouraged to apply.
The project has two parts. Quantum Monte Carlo calculations are applied to minerals in the deep Earth and density functional based methods are used to study fluids at high pressure including hydrogen-helium mixtures in giant planets.The position will be hosted at the Department of Earth and Planetary Science but the project proceeds in collaboration with physics and astronomy.
Candidates should have experience in first-principles methods and send their applications by email to militzer@berkeley.edu using PDF format and postdoc search in the subject line.
Alternatively, use
Prof. B. Militzer
407 McCone Hall #4767
Berkeley, CA 94720 USA
Please include a detailed CV, publication list, a list of 3 references, and a statement of research interests that outlines the qualifications for this position.
Consideration of candidates will continue until the position is filled.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Postdoc in Computational Physics, University of California, Berkeley, USA
9:16 AM
