Two PhD students in biomedical engineering (one computational and one experimental) are sought at ETH Zurich within an international collaborative project with The University of Western Australia and the University of Bern, Switzerland. The goal of this project is to improve the understanding of normal pressure hydrocephalus (NPH) and to find novel treatments for this condition.
Job description and candidate profile (computational position)
The successful candidate is expected to work on the combined computational and analytical modeling of the interaction of intracranial blood flow with the dynamics of the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). The basis of the models will be magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) datasets. This candidate must have a:
* Master degree or equivalent in mechanical or biomedical engineering or a similar field
* Solid background in applied computational fluid dynamics (CFD)
* Programming experience in C, Fortran or other high-level languages
* Solid command of the English language, both written and spoken
Experience with fluid structure interaction (FSI) simulations, medical image processing and parallel programming are of advantage.
Job description and candidate profile (experimental position)
The successful candidate is expected to work experimentally on the development and construction of a computer controlled physical phantom of the human cranial and spinal spaces. The candidate will research with this phantom the effects of a set of physiologic parameters on the onset and progression of normal pressure hydrocephalus. This candidate must have a:
* Master degree or equivalent in mechanical or biomedical engineering or a similar field
* Good understanding of fluid and solid mechanics
* Fundamental understanding of the working principles of sensors and actuators
* Experience in computer control of sensors and actuators
* Solid command of the English language, both written and spoken
A background in measurement and control and previous experimental work are of advantage.
Institution profile
ETH Zurich is the study, research and work place of 18,000 people from 80 nations. It is located in the center of Europe in Zurich, Switzerland. Twenty-one Nobel Laureates are connected with ETH Zurich. About 350 professors in 16 departments teach mainly in the engineering sciences and architecture, system-oriented sciences, mathematics and natural sciences areas and carry out research that is highly valued worldwide.
If you fit one of the above profiles and are interested in working in a multicultural and multidisciplinary environment, please e-mail us your application containing your CV, letter of motivation, grades obtained during your bachelor and master studies, and the contact information of two or three references.
Dr. Vartan Kurtcuoglu
ETH Zurich, Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering
Laboratory of Thermodynamics in Emerging Technologies
Phone: +41 44 632 69 14
Sunday, April 6, 2008
PhD Students in Biomedical Engineering, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
3:31 PM
