Partial fee waiver scholarships available to International students to undertake a Development related Masters in one of the following postgraduate taught programmes within the Institute for Development Policy & Management, University of Manchester:
* MSc Organisational Change & Development
* MSc International Development: Urban Development
* MSc Globalisation & Development
* MSc Industry, Trade & Development
* MSc Development Finance
* MA International Development: Public Policy & Management
Further details available from:
Paul Arrowsmith
Recruitment & Admissions Administrator
School of Environment & Development
University of Manchester
Arthur Lewis Building, Rm 2.022
Oxford Road
Manchester M13 9PL
Tel: 0044 161 275 0800
Fax: 0044 161 275 0421
Email: Paul.Arrowsmith[ at ]
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Partial Fee Waiver Scholarships, the Institute for Development Policy & Management, University of Manchester, UK
3:33 PM
