PhD Scholarship in Structural Health Monitoring of Bridges, Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Australia
PhD scholarship in structural health monitoring of bridges (up to $50K tax free)
As one of Australia’s leading universities, Queensland University of Technology (QUT) has a solid record of success in solving problems for industry and the community, and developing new products and processes.
Applications are invited from appropriately qualified individuals for a PhD scholarship being offered in QUT’s Faculty of Built Environment and Engineering (Brisbane) to work on the following project:
Structural Health Monitoring of Bridges using Vibration Characteristics
Many bridges in Australia are old and are now subjected to heavier and faster moving loads, than originally envisaged and in addition suffer structural deterioration with age. These factors can cause localised distress, which if not attended to can cause bridge failure with adverse consequences.
To address this, the Commonwealth Government – through the Australian Research Council, supported by Queensland Main Roads Department and Brisbane City Council – recently funded a research project to develop an innovative structural health monitoring system to monitor and predict distress in our bridges.
This project will develop and use modern sensor (wired and wireless) technology and dynamic computer simulation techniques to achieve the aims.
We are looking for a Honours graduate in Civil/Structural/Mechanical/ Electrical Engineering with interests in experimental work and finite element modelling.
He/she can expect up to $40,000 pa tax free depending on qualifications and experience. This amount includes approximately $4,000 worth of tutoring. A top-up of $10,000 from CR-CIEAM is possible.
Application closing date
Applications will be considered until a suitable candidate is chosen.
For more information please contact Professor David Thambiratnam on (07) 3138 1467 or email d.thambiratnam[ at ], or Dr Tommy Chan on (07) 3138 6732 or email tommy.chan[ at ]
Monday, December 1, 2008
PhD Scholarship in Structural Health Monitoring of Bridges, Queensland University of Technology (QUT) [Australia]
2:47 PM
