FELLOWSHIPS: Sustainability Science (Harvard)
URL: http://www.cid.harvard.edu/sustsci/grants/fellows/09_fellows_RFP.htm
The Sustainability Science Program at Harvard University’s Center for
International Development invites applications for resident
fellowships in sustainability science for the University’s academic
year beginning in September 2009.
This year we will give some preference to applicants who address the
challenges related to meeting human needs for water or
food/agriculture/land use in the context of sustainable development.
In addition to general funds available to support this fellowship
offering, special funding for the Giorgio Ruffolo Fellowships in
Sustainability Science is available to support citizens of Italy or
developing countries who are therefore especially encouraged to apply.
Applications are due January 15, 2009.
Monday, December 1, 2008
American Fellowship Harvard University 2009-2010
2:44 PM
