Please kindly mention ScholarshipNet when applying for this position
The Mechanical Engineering Department of École Polytechnique de Montréal is recruiting one Ph.D. student in the field of Solids Mechanics and Composite Materials. The project title is: “In-situ mechanical properties identification for a composite material by the finite element updating method based on images obtained by X-ray microtomography”.
X-ray microtomography can be used to generate 3D images of a material. It is possible with this technique to see inside a material and construct 3D representations of the microstructure without inducing damage. The Skyscan-1172 is a device that allows generating 3D microtomography images. In addition, this device can be equipped with a miniature compression machine that allows imaging some samples while being loaded. The team of professor Lévesque is currently working on the development of a methodology that would allow measuring the displacements inside the material based a digital volume correlation (DVC) algorithm.
The objective of this project is to use the measurements of this DVC tool in order to obtain the mechanical properties of the matrix inside a composite material. The approach consists first in generating a Finite Element (FE) mesh of the real material based on the 3D tomography images. Then conduct compressive testing on the sample and obtain the displacements field as a function of the applied load. Finally, the mechanical properties of the matrix simulated into the FE model would be adjusted until the difference between the experimental results and the FE predictions are minimized.
The student will have a financial support of $19 000 / year, tax free. The financial support is for three years. The position is available right now and up to May 2009. Different arrangements can be made.
The candidate should show a very strong background in computational mechanics, mathematics and programming. This project is part of a larger research program involving another Ph.D., one M.Sc. and a Post-Doc. candidates.
The interested candidates should send:
Transcripts for their B.Ing. and M.Sc. (or equivalent). It is preferable to send translated copies (either English of French) but if the translation is not available the native language copies can be sent.
Curriculum Vitea (CV).
Cover letter explaining the motivation to pursue Ph.D. studies and a career plan.
Name and email address of 3 references.
List of publications and some samples.
Professor Martin Lévesque
Email: martin.levesque[ at ]
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Canada: PhD Scholarship in Polytechnique de Montreal
1:23 PM
