Cambridge International Scholarships (CISS): Cambridge University, UK, will offer, via the Cambridge Trusts, at least 40 Cambridge International Scholarships to Overseas Students who embark on a research course in 2009-10. The awards will be made on a competitive basis to those applicants considered by their departments to be the most outstanding.
Value of the award
Each award will underwrite the full cost of fees and maintenance for the duration of the course.
Duration of the award
The award has a maximum duration of three years and is available to all students who will be registered for a three year research programme, leading to the PhD (including CPGS), that starts in the academic year 2009-10.
To be eligible to receive a Cambridge International Scholarship students must:
1. be liable to pay the Overseas University Composition Fee.
2. be engaged in a three year research programme leading to the PhD (i.e. will be registered as PhD, “Probationary PhD” or “CPGS”) starting in the academic year 2009-10.
3. be engaged in full-time study.
4. have a high upper-second-class undergraduate honours degree from a UK Higher Education Institution, or an equivalent from an Overseas Institution.
NB. All students applying for a course of one year duration or less (including LLM, MSt, MBA, MED, Part III Mathematics, MPhil) in the academic year 2009-10 are not eligible for a CISS award for 2009-10.
The application process
Every eligible applicant for a three year research course leading to the PhD in 2009-10 will be considered to have applied for a Cambridge International Scholarship provided their completed Graduate Admission and Scholarship Application Form is received by the Board of Graduate Studies before 15th December 2008. Applicants are expected to also seek funding from other sources.
Departments will rank their outstanding applicants for consideration in the competition.
Several hundred partially funded awards will also be made by the Cambridge Trusts using the departmental CISS ranking list.
The attention of applicants is drawn to the 15th December 2008 deadline.
Completing the Graduate Admission and Scholarship Application Form
click here for further Scholarship Information
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Cambridge International Scholarships (CISS)
12:52 PM
