Open PhD positions, Univ of Modena & R Emilia, Italy
Doctorate schools and courses
From the Doctorate courses main regulations and from the Doctorate
schools regulations of the University of Modena e Reggio Emilia:
The Doctorate schools and courses has the purpose to supply to the
enrolled one, also by periods of study abroad and stage near subject
private and publics, competences of elevated level and qualification,
adapted to the exercise of activity of research and professionalities
that demand a high degree of scientific preparation.
The selection
for the access to the Course of Doctorate happens for public
competition. The Course of Doctorate instituted from the University
of Modena and Reggio Emilia begins of norm the first January and has
the duration of three years.
The Schools of Doctorate instituted by the University of Modena and
Reggio Emilia are opened to italian and foreign graduated people and
have the general objective to form researchers of high qualification,
to employ in research structures basic or applied, public or private.
Doctorate schools and courses - XXIV cycle - year 2009
Call for applications:
Monday, August 25, 2008
PhD positions - Italy
4:41 AM
