Monday, August 25, 2008

Human Rights Scholarship - Australia

Dateline : 31 October 2008

The Human Rights Scholarship is awarded to applicants wishing to
undertake graduate research or graduate coursework studies at the
University in the human rights field and who are able to demonstrate
their commitment to the peaceful advancement of respect for human


Each year the University of Melbourne offers 2 HRSs to applicants
commencing either a graduate research or graduate coursework degree.
Benefits & conditions

Human Rights Scholarship benefits are similar to those provided by
the Melbourne Research Scholarship (MRS) and Fay Marles Scholarship
(FMS) and include a:
- Living allowance of $22,000 per annum (2008 rate) for those
students enrolled full-time in a graduate research degree. Students
enrolled in a graduate coursework degree will be paid pro-rata based
on the number of points undertaken each semester
- Relocation Grant of $2,500 to eligible recipients who are moving
from interstate or overseas in order to study at the University of
Melbourne. HRS recipients may also be eligible to claim (upon
application and presentation of receipts) a Relocation Allowance for
specific relocation expenses, and
- Thesis Allowance of up to $420 (2008 rate) for masters by research
and up to $840 (2008 rate) for PhD and other doctorate by research


Please note that the HRS does not cover course/tuition or HECS fees
for local or international coursework programs or international
graduate research degree course fees.

Local graduate research degree HRS recipients are not charged course
fees as they are allocated a Research Training Scheme (RTS) place.
RTS places exempt students from the Higher Education Contribution
(HECS) Scheme. Time limits and other conditions apply to RTS places.
For further information please contact the Melbourne School of
Graduate Research (PhD, MSc, MPhil, MIS and MOptom students) or your
faculty office (all other students).


Please use the following links for information about the HRS
conditions (including progress requirements for HRS recipients);
duration of awards and commencement.
Eligibility criteria

1. Applicants for the HRS must be able to demonstrate that their
commitment to the peaceful advancement of respect for human rights
extends beyond their academic studies (such as voluntary work and/or
work experience).

2. A high H2A (ie. 78-79% and above) is the minimum grade average
usually required to be competitive for an HRS.

3. Applicants must be planning to commence or be currently enrolled
in a postgraduate diploma*, masters by coursework, doctorate by
coursework or graduate research degree in the human rights field at
the University of Melbourne.

*HRSs cannot be awarded to support studies toward a graduate diploma
or postgraduate certificate.

4. International students must have an unconditional course offer at
the University of Melbourne for the course for which they seek the
support of a HRS. See below for local and international HRS
application procedures.

5. Applicants seeking a HRS to undertake a:
coursework program (eg. postgraduate diploma, masters by coursework)
must meet the normal academic requirements for the course.
graduate research degree must normally meet the academic requirements
that apply to the Australian Postgraduate Award (APA) or Melbourne
Research Scholarship (MRS). Click here for further details about APA/
MRS Eligibility.

6. HRSs are not awarded to applicants who:
cannot provide evidence that their demonstrated commitment to human
rights extends beyond their academic studies
have already completed a course deemed to be at the same, or higher,
level for which they are seeking scholarship support
as a result of previous candidature and/or prior scholarship, have a
maximum tenure of less than 12 months
have previously received an MRS, FMS or PES, or
have already been awarded or later receive another equivalent award,
scholarship or salary for the studies for which they seek a HRS. An
“equivalent” award is regarded as one greater than 75% of the base
HRS rate (75% of the base 2008 HRS rate = $16,500).
Selection criteria

Selection of the HRS is based on four main criteria: area of study,
evidence of commitment to human rights over a period of time,
academic merit and strength of supporting documentation.
Application procedure (including required documents)

Local applicants

Local students wishing to apply for the HRS must:
complete and submit to the Graduate Research Scholarships Team by 31
October three (3) complete sets (one original or certified and two
copies) of the documents listed on the document checklist and the
additional documents listed below.
apply for scholarship online using SCHOLS. In exceptional
circumstances a scholarship application form may be obtained by
contacting the Graduate Research Scholarships Team.

International applicants

International students wishing to apply for the HRS must:
apply for admission (if not already currently enrolled in the course
for which you seek an HRS) and have an unconditional offer of
admission for which the scholarship is sought by Tuesday 6 January
2009. The Application for Admission as an International Graduate
Student is available from International Admissions or online at This form must be submitted to
International Admissions as soon as possible.
complete the 2009 International HRS Application Form (PDF: 50 kb)
submit three (3) sets (one original and two copies) of the
International HRS Application Form and required documents listed
below to the Graduate Research Scholarships Office by 31 October.

Required documents

5.1. A clear statement (maximum of one page) outlining how your
intended studies relate to the human rights field and will further
your understanding of human rights.

5.2. A statement (maximum of one page) that demonstrates (by noting
activities you have been engaged in) your commitment, over a period
of time, to the peaceful advancement of respect for human rights.

5.3 A reference that comments on your involvement in human rights.
Your referee may, for example, work for a human rights organisation.
Your referee is asked to provide their contact details.

5.4 Any other letters of recommendation or support you wish to
provide that are relevant to your application (optional).

5.5 The relevant page from your faculty handbook that outlines the
minimum entry requirements for the course for which you are seeking a
HRS (coursework applicants only; this is only required from
applicants who have not yet commenced the course for which an HRS is
Application outcome

Applicants are able to view the progress of their application.

The HRS selection meeting will take place in late January. Applicants
will be advised via standard mail and SCHOLS by the end of January of
the outcome of their HRS application.
Closing date & timelines

31 October (or the next working day if 31 October falls on a
weekend). We are unable to consider late or incomplete applications.

Scholarship assessment timelines for local and international students
can also be viewed.
For further information

Please contact the Graduate Research Scholarships Team on 03 8344
8747 or via