Graduate Study Program for Foreign Students
The Department of Urban Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering,
the University of Tokyo, offers graduate study program with
governmental scholarship for foreign student. The field of study in
the Department is environmental engineering or urban and regional
planning. The education and the research supervision are conducted
either in English or Japanese.
You can download information on
matriculation (http://www.due.t.u- of 2009 program.
(Adobe PDF format)
For the matriculation of 2009 program which starts in October 2009,
the deadline for the application is Oct.31, 2008.
Download Forms in Microsoft-word format.
Please note that we accept only applications sent by air-mails, and
we do not accept on-line applications. We would like you to use
international A4 or US letter sized sheets for the submission of the
Download Applicaiton Form for 2009 matriculation. (Microsoft-word
format, 52KB)
Download Recommendation Form for 2009 matriculation. (Microsoft-word
format, 36KB)
Download check list for 2009 matriculation. (Microsoft-excel
All correspondence and requests for printed application forms can be
addressed to
the Foreign Student Officer (
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Scholarship in Environmental Engineering or Urban and Regional Planning
9:31 AM
