Krakow Interdisciplinary PhD-Project in Nanoscience and Advanced Nanostructures
Faculty of Physics & Applied Computer Science (AGH) and Institute of Catalysis and Surface Chemistry of Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN) (both of Krakow) in cooperation with research institutes of 10 European countries run a common PhD programme in Nanoscience.
The project is financed by European Union Innovative Economy Programme with Foundation for Polish Science. It has been selected for support as one of three projects in the first call for the International PhD Studies Programme (results of the competition in Polish).
8 PhD positions are opened in 2008 and 4 in 2009. The project duration is nearly 5 years, of which 6 to 24 months the students will spend abroad, mostly in Western European institutes that enter the consortium. A stipend for a month spent in Krakow is 3000 PLN and 4500 PLN abroad (tax free). This currently corresponds to 930 and 1400 EUR, respectively.
Positions are currently opened in the following topics:
1) Structure and properties of networks of nanoscopic magnetic wires
2) Electronic structure of artificial atoms and molecules: spin-orbit coupling effects
3) Computer simulations of quantum transport in semiconductor nanodevices
4) Surfactants, polyelectrolytes and nanoparticles as building blocks for surface nanostructures
5) Design and computer simulations of the nanodevices to applications in quantum computing
6) Nanostructures and stability of thin liquid layers
7) Current induced magnetization switching (CIMS) and noise characterization of MgO based magnetic tunnel junctions (MTJs)
Dynamics of nanostructural organization and activity of photosynthetic systems in natural and model membranes.
Recruitment procedure.
Applications should contain the documents requested in the recruitment procedure.
Do not forget to indicate the topic you apply for.
The application deadline is 22.09.2008.
Applications & questions should be sent to . For more info about the specific topic - please contact the supervisor.
Recruitment in 2009.
In September 2009 four more PhD positions will be opened:
9) Hybrid organic-inorganic layered materials - precursors of semiconducting nanostructures.
10) Surface and interface properties of metal-oxide magnetic nanostructures
11) Nanostructures and stability of thin liquid layers.
12) Physical properties of multilayer thin films of Mg-Ti-V/Ni and their hydrides
Saturday, August 23, 2008
PhD Scholarships in Nanotechnology
9:31 AM
