Beasiswa Inggris S2: Dorothy Hodgkin Postgrad Award in Transport Studies - University of Leeds
Dorothy Hodgkin Postgraduate Award
Institute for Transport Studies
Value of Award: Maintenance Stipend for a maximum period of 3 years (£12,940 for Session 2008/09), full overseas rate fees and a Research Training Support Grant
Number Available: One
Closing Date: Extended to 12 September 2008
Minimum Academic Requirements: A very good first degree (equivalent to a UK first class honours degree) from a prestigious institution (a lower rated BSc with a Masters will not normally be accepted as the equivalent of a UK first class honours degree). Candidates must also meet the University’s English language requirements.
Additional Information: The Dorothy Hodgkin Postgraduate Awards are a national initiative to bring outstanding students from India, Brazil, China, Hong Kong, Russia, South Africa and the developing world to the UK to study for PhD degrees in top-rated research environments. The eligible countries are those listed in Part 1 on the OECD website:
This award is provided by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council ( and Jaguar ( and is available in for a research project in the area of ‘driver distraction/vehicle automation/human-machine interface’.
Further information on the background to the Dorothy Hodgkin Postgraduate Awards Scheme can be found at
Application Forms: Application forms and guidance notes are available from and should be returned to the Scholarships Office, University of Leeds, LS2 9JT
Contact Details: Please contact Dr Samantha Jamson for enquiries about the project area.
Tel: + 44 (0)113 343 6606
Fax: +44 (0)113 343 5334
Applicants should also complete an application form for research degree study, which is available at or online at
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Beasiswa Inggris S2: Dorothy Hodgkin Postgrad Award in Transport Studies - University of Leeds
11:45 AM
