3 years Phd studentship commencing in October within The Advanced
Technology Institute (ATI). The student will receive a maintenance
stipend of £12,600 per year. The student will join the Microwave
Research Group in the ATI and will contribute to the UK Silicon
Photonics project.
Student will be involved in the design, modelling and measurement of
high-speed interconnections fabricated in silicon. Modelling will be
done using a combination of circuit and electromagnetic simulators,
and measurements made using a vector network analyzer. You will be
required to interact with a range of international collaborators in
the UK, Europe and the US, and you may be asked to present results of
the work at conferences around the world.
Successful candidate will be an Electronic Engineering or Physics
graduate, holding a degree in electronic engineering or physics with a
minimum upper-second classification.
Brief Project Description
Silicon Photonics promises to revolutionise the next generation of ICs
by providing solutions for optical interconnections between chips and
circuit boards, optical signal processing, optical sensing, as well as
“lab-on-a-chip” biological applications. It also promises low cost
optical signal processing chips that will interface with optical
fibres brought directly to individual premises to take advantages of
the enormous bandwidth of “fibre-to-the-home” technology. Other large
bandwidth applications, such as video-on-demand, high speed internet,
high definition TV and Internet Protocol TV, may also expand
dramatically as a result of this work.
The project will combine state-of-art engineering with novel physics
and materials science to develop an integrated silicon-based solution
for optoelectronic communications. Key photonic components ¿
detectors, modulators, amplifiers, filters and waveguides, will be
developed on silicon platforms using CMOS-compatible processing
routes. The ultimate aim will be an integrated silicon photonics
module, containing photonic, and associated electronic components on
the chip.
Enquiries and Application
Informal enquiries may be directed to Dr Charles Free
Completed application forms should be sent to:
Miss Julie Maplethorpe,
Faculty of Engineering & Physical Sciences,
University of Surrey, Guildford, Surrey, GU2 7XH, UK.
email: j.maplethorpe@surrey.ac.uk
phone: +44 (0) 1483 68 9859.
You can obtain the application form from Miss Julie Maplethorpe at the
above address. Please quote the vacancy reference number: 6677. The
closing date for applications is Friday 5th September 2008.
Friday, August 8, 2008
PhD Studentship in Microwave Technology
7:32 AM
