The Faculty of Health are currently offering three PhD studentships:
1 Measures of effect size in clinical trials. Primary Supervisor Dr Lee Shepstone. Funded by the Medical Research Council.
2 How metal ions lead to failure in metal-on-metal hip replacement. Primary Supervisor Dr Simon Donell. Funded by Action Arthritis.
3 One studentship in the area of preventative medicine jointly funded with The Institute of Food Research. A number of exciting projects are available for this studentship in the areas of biomedical, diet and health, or psychology and mental health research, further details can be found at
Students will register during the 2008/09 academic year for a three year full-time MPhil/PhD degree. Funding includes UK/EU tuition fees, maintenance expenses of £12,940 and some appropriate training costs.
For further information on all three studentships and an application pack please visit our website
The deadline for applications is 29 July 2008.
Expected interview dates: 1) 28 August, 2) 22 August, 3) 21 August 2008.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
PhD Studentships - Faculty of Health University of East Anglia
1:10 AM
