“2008 NCKU Application of Admission for International Students” is now
available (http://www.ncku.edu.tw/~ooia/eng/ ). The attached file is
the brief introduction about 2008 NCKU International Student
Scholarship. It is most appreciated if you could assist in passing
along this 2008 NCKU International Student Scholarship information. If
there is any question, welcome to contact us soon.
Thank you very much for your help.
Best Regards,
International Student Affairs Division (ISAD)
International Student Affairs Division (ISAD)
Office of International Affairs
National Cheng Kung University
Taiwan, R.O.C.
Tel: +886-6-2757575 ext. 50990
Fax: +886-6-208-5608
E-mail: em50990@email.ncku.edu.tw
2008 NCKU International Students Application
Dear Students:
At the request of several students and also due to the overflow of
applications we have been receiving, the application deadline has been
extended until April 30, 2008. Applications must be postmarked by that
date or will not be reviewed. You may download the application at:
Admission results will be posted online at:
on May 30, 2008. Admission letters will be mailed separately.
Just a reminder that there is no application fee; NCKU also offers
many incentives to International students studying at our University,
such as FREE Chinese course, academic counseling system and
buddy-buddy program.
Should you have any additional questions or concerns, do not hesitate
to call or email us at the following:
Email: em50951@email.ncku.edu.tw
Tel: +886-6-275-7575 ext. 50950
Kindly share this announcement with those who may be interested.
Thank you in advance.
2008 NCKU International Student Scholarships
(A) Scholarships
The following scholarships are offered by the University. As for the
government’s scholarship, such as Taiwan Scholarship, it’s available
at http://www.studyintaiwan.org/
Scholarships and the government’s scholarship are considered and
granted jointly. Each person may only receive one source of the
scholarship. Violators will lose their scholarship status.
(1) Undergraduate
There are two kinds of scholarships to apply for:
i.Undergraduate students’ application of scholarships ( regulated
by Guidelines for
Application of International Student Scholarship).
ii. Eligibility
• Applicants should be registered international students at NCKU
• Applicants should study in the undergraduate level at NCKU for one
semester and should take at least six credits with average academic
grades over 65 for the last semester
iii. Grant: It depends on the quota of scholarship recipients.
i. Undergraduate students’ application of scholarships ( regulated by
the NCKU Project of Promoting Academic Excellence and Developing World
Class Research Centers).
ii. Eligibility
Available for all the NCKU undergraduate international students.
• For juniors: All the application documents would be evaluated by the
on-campus committee, which is organized by the Principal.
• For seniors: Apply to International Student Affairs Division,
Office of the International Affairs, with the transcript of the last
iii. Grant: The on-campus accommodation fee will be covered by
university for all
undergraduate students.
• For juniors: The quota and grant are based on the
proportion of the enrolled undergraduate international students of the
year. 20% and 30% of undergraduate international students could obtain
the full and half tuition fund respectively.
• For seniors: Applicants with 15% and 30% rank of department could
obtain the full and half tuition fund respectively.
(2) Postgraduate
There are two kinds of scholarships to apply for:
i. International Student Scholarship (regulated by Guidelines for
Application of International Student Scholarship)
ii. Eligibility:
• Applicants should be registered international students at NCKU
• Applicants should study in the postgraduate level at NCKU for one
semester and should take at least three credits with average academic
grades over 75 for the last semester
iii. Grant: It depends on the quota of scholarship recipients.
i. International Student Scholarship (regulated by the NCKU Project of
Promoting Academic Excellence & Developing World Class Research Centers)
ii. Eligibility: registered international students at NCKU
iii. Grant:
• Full: no tuition, credit fees and on-campus accommodation fee, plus
scholarship for
Master student recipient: Maximum NT$ 8,000 (US$ 242) per month
Doctoral student recipient: MaximumNT$15,000(US$454) per month
• Partial: no tuition, credit fees and on-campus accommodation fee,
plus scholarship for
Master student recipient: NT$ 4,000(US$ 121) per month
Doctoral student recipient: NT$ 10,000 (US$ 303) per month
• Special: no tuition, credit fees and on-campus accommodation fee
Note: The quota and grant for international student scholarship in the
postgraduate level should be dependent on the recipient’s academic
performance and assistance (such as teaching, research or
administration) evaluated by the department/institute concerned.
(3) For further information about scholarships and other financial
aids, please visit the following
websites: http://stud.adm.ncku.edu.tw/act/english/index.htm
Sunday, April 20, 2008
2008 NCKU International Student Scholarship-Taiwan
4:27 PM
