*Our Client IT Solution Company Urgently Need:*
Helpdesk Engineer (Code : HE)
Support Engineer (Code : SSE)
Computer Trainer (Code : CT)
Sales Training ( Code : ST)
Developer (Code:DE)
*General Requirement:*
- D3/S1 ,
- Good Attitude
- Good Computer & Communication Skill
- Good Command of English
- Hardworking & Self Motivated
- Willing to learn work under pressure
- 1 (one) year work of experience in similar positions
*Specific Requirement:*
*Helpdesk Engineer (Code: HE)*
- Have experience troubleshoot HW & SW
- Have experience maintain anti virus system
- (Kapersky,Symantec,Trendmicro ect.) & basic admin window server.
- Able to work independently in a team
- Must have good customer handling skill
*Support Engineer (Code: SSE)*
- Have technical experience in design,develop, and deploy “Network
- Advanced Infrastructure”, “Mobile Solution”, “Workflow application”
- and “Security”
- Familiar with Windows Server product family
- Good presentation skill and have experience doing presales inc. Generate
- Proposal
- Fast learner
- Have strong interpersonal and analytical skills
- Have certificates in security,MCSE, CCNA ect are an advantage
*Computer Trainer (Code: CT)*
- Good Presentation Skill
- Fast learner
- Familiar with Microsoft product family (Sytem/Server/Development area)
- Have Experience
- Have certificates MCT, MCSE, ect. are an advantage
*Sales Training (Code: SA)*
- Good Presentation Skill
- Have experience doing sales in training area.
- Willing to learn a new product
- Fast learner
*Developer (Code: DE)*
- Good Presentation Skill
- Fammiliar using ASP.net,SQL Programming, Web Services Programming
- Willing to learn a new product
- Fast learner
- Have experience in project development
Please specify the position code in your e-mail subject and send your
application to Dayanto, with email address HELPDESK@CBN.NET.ID OR
All applications must be recevied no later than May, 15 2008
Thx Moderator.
Smart Solution Consultant
Kedoya Elok Plaza Blok DD 69
Jl. Panjang, Jakarta 11520