PhD Positions in Parallel Programming and Algorithms for Interprocess Synchronization of Multicore Systems
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Chalmers Technical University
Application deadline March 11, 2008. Reference nr 2008/34
The Department provides strongly international and dynamic research environments with 76 faculty and 75 PhD students from about 30 countries. For more information, see
Knowledge of Swedish is not a prerequisite for application. English is our working language for research. Both Swedish and English are used in undergraduate courses. Half of our researchers and PhD students are native Swedes; the rest come from more than 20 different countries.
Applicants must have a very good undergraduate degree in Computing Science or in a related subject with a strong Computing Science component. They must also have a strong, documented interest in doing research. You may even apply if you have not yet completed your degree, but expect to do so by 1 September 2008.
We particularly encourage applicants with interests in:
Parallel Programming and Algorithms for Interprocess Synchronization of Multicore processors, with focus on Lock/wait-free Synchronization,
concurrent data structures.
For more information on this point see the webpages of the group Distributed Computing and Systems or contact Philippas Tsigas (tsigas[ at ]
How to apply
The full application should contain:
1. A letter of application, listing specific research interests
2. A curriculum vitae
3. Copies of degrees and other certificates
4. Copies of relevant work, for example dissertations or articles, that you have authored or co-authored
5. Letters of recommendation from your teachers or employers.
You MUST include or e-mail Letters of Recommendation: we typically get over 100 apps, and it is simply not feasible for us to request individual letters
The job reference number is: 2008/34. The last date for your full application to arrive is March 11, 2008
Send your application electronically in PDF files or by paper-mail to:
Registrator, Chalmers University of Technology, Se-412 96 Göteborg, Sweden.
Phone: +4631 772 1000, Fax: +4631 772 4922, E-mail: registrator[ at ]
You will know the result of your application by 30 May 2008.
For Further Information Regarding graduate education at our department please contact:
i) the Vice Head of Department, Graduate Education: Professor Reiner Hähnle (reiner[ at ]
ii) the Graduate Studies Director of the Department, Ass. Professor Jan Jonsson (janjo[ at ]
Union representatives:
SACO Jan Lindér, TCO Marie Wenander, SEKO Ralf Berndtsson All reachable via Chalmers exchange: +46 31 772 10 00
Deadline: March 11, 2008
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
PhD Positions at The Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Chalmers Technical University, Sweden
5:00 AM
