Competition announcement Academic Year 2008-2009
The call for application is published every year at the end of November. You can download the Brochure and the Pre-requisites for the admission here.
The Eni Corporate University announces a competition for an academic course that leads to a Master’s Degree in Energy and Environmental Management and Economics - MEDEA. The course is organized and managed by the Scuola Enrico Mattei.
The Master is offered to Italian and foreign university graduates that are interested in career paths within firms, authorities and other institutions operating in the energy and environmental sectors. For the Academic Year 2008-2009, the Scuola Enrico Mattei will assign a maximum of 50 scholarships.
Three programs of the MEDEA are offered:
* Energy Industry Economics
* Business Administration in Energy Industry
* Managing Technical Assets in Energy Industry
The program is articulated on three phases, with an increasing degree of specialisation. All profiles consist of preliminary courses, followed by fundamental courses and by specialisation classes.
The Academic Year runs for ten months, from September 3, 2008 through to June 30, 2009. Full-time attendance is required. Since courses are conducted in Italian and in English, an intensive Italian language course will be held during the summer of 2008. Those who have successfully completed the programme of study will be awarded a Master’s Degree in Energy and Environmental Management and Economics - MEDEA.
Admission is subject to the following requirements:
* university degree in Italy, or an equivalent academic qualification abroad, in departments of: Business Administration, Chemistry, Economics, Engineering, Geology, Industrial Chemistry, International Law, Physics and Statistics;
* Italian candidates must be under the age of 28 years and non-Italian candidates must be under the age of 32 at the beginning of the Master course;
* good knowledge of the English language.
The course, moreover, can be attended also by people autonomously chosen by the Eni Companies.
The deadline for application is March 31, 2008 for foreign citizens and April 30, 2008 for Italian citizens.
Italian candidates will attend the final selection in San Donato Milanese (MI); non-Italian candidates in Algeri, Almaty, Ankara, Beijing, Brussels, Budapest, Cairo, Lagos, London, Luanda, Madrid, Monaco, Moscow, New York, Sao Paulo, Tripoli, or in other offices of Eni, depending on their nationality.
Euros 25,000
For successful candidates, the admission to and the enrolment in the School carry no fees. The School offers students a financial contribution for the accommodation and living expenses. Moreover, students are given free training materials and the opportunity to avail themselves of Eni canteen facilities. Finally, scholarships are provided on the basis of examination results.
Applications must be sent online at:
For further information and leaflet please contact the School Secretary at:
Scuola Enrico Mattei, Eni Corporate University, Via S. Salvo, 120097 - San Donato Milanese (MI), Italy.
Tel. (0039) 02.520.57922 or (0039) 02.520.57907; fax (0039) 02.520.37067
e-mail: info.scuolamattei[ at ]
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
50 Master Scholarships in Energy and Environmental Management and Economics, Eni Corporate University, Italy
4:57 AM
