Sunday, January 20, 2008

Undergraduate Business Scholarship, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia

UQ Business School and School of Tourism

Four one-year scholarships, each valued at $1500, are available from the UQ Business School and School of Tourism to be awarded to outstanding Australian and International students who are admitted to the Bachelor of Business (BBus) at the UQ Ipswich Campus in 2008.

Eligibility & Benefits
* Four one-year scholarships are available, each worth $1500

Basis of Award
* Criteria based on Year 12 Overall Position, or international equivalent. Interviews may be required;
* Personal statement regarding high school involvement and community involvement;
* Personal reference from Principal, Head of Year, or other teacher; and
* Previous study of business, business communication, commerce or computing, hospitality, sport, travel, tourism at school or college is not a requirement for enrolment in the Bachelor of Business, nor for application for the scholarships.

Application Procedures
* Download Application Form or visit the UQ Business School or the School of Tourism
* Closing date for applications 5pm on Friday, 28 March 2008

Deadline: 28 March 2008

For further information: