The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Utrecht University holds a top position in education,
research and patient care in Europe and is accredited by the American & Canadian
Veterinary Medical Associations. The faculty numbers approximately 1000 employees.
The faculty participates in the Academic Biomedical Centre (
The epidemiology group, Department of Farm Animal Health, focuses on infectious
diseases, with a strong interaction between experiments, observational studies and
mathematical modeling.
The department has a vacancy for a Postdoc researcher Avian Influenza
The Center for Infectious Disease Control of the National Institute for Public Health and
the Environment (RIVM) and the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Utrecht University
have started a research project, funded by the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta, to study risk factors for the transmission of Avian Influenza
virus from poultry to humans. Within this project there is an opening for a postdoctoral
researcher. The postdoc has at her/his disposition a unique database of an epidemic of
Avian Influenza that took place in The Netherlands in 2003, and is expected to estimate
epidemiological parameters and to assess the potential impact of intervention measures
using statistical analyses and mathematical modeling.
We look for a postdoctoral researcher with a PhD degree in epidemiology, biostatistics,
applied mathematics, or related field. You are a creative and independent researcher,
and will participate in the supervision of a PhD student.
Terms of employment
The appointment is for a period of 2 years.
The salary will be ¤ 2330,- as a minimum, up to a maximum of ¤ 4284,- per month
before tax, in accordance with Dutch salary scales 10/11 for academics. Secondary
benefits, based on the collective labour agreement of Dutch Universities are excellent and
include (e.g.) a pension scheme, flexible employment conditions, and salaries are
supplemented with a holiday bonus of 8% and an end of year bonus of 6.4 % per year.
In addition, candidates from outside the Netherlands may benefit from lower tax rates.
Additional information can be obtained from
Prof. Dr. Arjan Stegeman +31-(0)302531091,,
Dr. Michiel van Boven +31-(0)302744264,
Please send your application to the personnel department of the
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine: Mr. A. Bloemers, Yalelaan 1, 3584 CL Utrecht, or by
email: Please refer to vacancy number 70835.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Postdoc researcher Avian Influenza in The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Utrecht University, Netherlands
7:43 PM
