Sumitro Fellowship Program in Economic and Political Economic, USA
The two Sumitro Fellowships are available for post-doctoral scholars, Ph.D. candidates, senior academics, and otherwise professionally qualified candidates who wish to engage in field research in Indonesia on an economic or political-economic topic.
One grant is available to United States citizens and permanent residents in the United States with a specific project on a topic relating to the political economy of Indonesia. The other Sumitro Fellowship is also open to an Indonesian citizen with a project related to the Indonesian-United States relationship. Previous travel to, and experience in, Indonesia or the United States (for Indonesian Sumitro applicants) is desirable but not necessarily a requirement.
Applications for 2009 grants are now being accepted.
Deadline: October 31, 2008
Visit here for Application form and further information.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Sumitro Fellowship Program in Economic and Political Economic
10:09 AM
