Research Fellowships in Horticultural Leading to PhD Degree, The Research Centre of the Edmund Mach Foundation
Please kindly mention ScholarshipNet when applying for this position
Four research fellowships leading to PhD degree in international recognized Universities (Code. 012_BGM_VG)
The Research Centre of the Edmund Mach Foundation (San Michele all’Adige, Trento, Italy) is one of the most important for horticultural research in Europe. Research includes improvement of crop productions of grapevine and apple. During 2007 the Research Centre obtained the genome sequence of grape and a similar effort in apple is expected to be completed during 2008. Following these achievements, we started an interdisciplinary translational genomics programme aimed at the fully exploitation of the knowledge generated by the two genome sequencing projects.
We are looking for young and motivated researchers that will join an already established team of scientists working with state-of-the-art genomic facilities, in an international English-spoken research environment.
Please find the profile, the application form and general information in the document available in the download area.
For informal enquiries, please contact Dr. Silvio Salvi, email silvio.salvi[AT], telephone 0039 0461 615536.
Equal opportunities
The position is open to both gender, Law n. 903, 9/12/1977, art. 1. The policy and practice of the Edmund Mach Foundation require that all staff are offered equal opportunities within employment.
Data treatment
All data supplied by applicants will be used only for the purposes of determining their suitability for the post and will be held in accordance with the principles of the Personal Data Protection Code, Legislative Decree no. 196 of 30 June 2003.
012_BGM_VG_Profiles - file pdf, 108 Kb
012_BGM_VG_Application - file word, 143 Kb
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Research Fellowships in Horticultural Leading to PhD Degree
9:25 PM
