Institution/Organization: University of Verona
Web Address:
Level: PhD
Specialty Areas: General Linguistics
The University of Verona offers the following three scholarships to pursue a PhD
in Linguistics:
- one scholarship open to all applicants, either Italian or foreign, but
thematically restricted: the successful candidate will work on a co-tutored
project titled ‘The interpretative correlates of reflexivization in the
languages of Europe and India’, in collaboration with the University of Utrecht,
Netherlands (cf. below);
- one scholarship restricted to foreign applicants, but thematically open within
the areas of competence of the Verona PhD teaching staff;
- one scholarship open to all applicants, Italian or foreign, and thematically
For all three scholarships, the following dates and conditions apply:
Duration: from 1st January 2009 to 31st December 2011
Scholarship amount: circa ? 1,000 /month after taxes, with some increments for
periods abroad
Languages: a knowledge of Italian, as well as English, is an advantage
Application: 1st August 2008 to 15th September 2008
Admission exams: 9th - 10th October 2008; the exam can take place in Italian or
English; for the written examination only, foreign candidates may use also
French, German, or Spanish
In addition to these three funded positions, two unfunded ones are also available.
For further administrative information on selection criteria and how to apply,
contact, and consult the official advertisment at
For further academic information, contact, coordinator
of the PhD program at Verona.
International Project Verona (Italy) - Utrecht (Netherlands)
Project Title: The interpretive correlates of reflexivization in the languages
of Europe and India Partner Institutions: Università di Verona and Universiteit
Degree title: doctoral degree from one or both Universities, and a “Doctor
Europaeus” certification.
Verona research staff: Denis Delfitto, Giorgio Graffi, and others
Utrecht research staff: Martin Everaert, Eric Reuland, and others
Duration: 3 years, with a total of 18 months in Verona and 18 in Utrecht
Project Description
This project offers joint supervision by Verona and Utrecht researchers, and
will be carried out by the Italian or foreign candidate with the best
qualitative requirements. This project participates in two projects currently
undertaken at The Utrecht Institute of Linguistics on the reflexivization
processes occurring in natural languages, studied at both the
typological/descriptive and the theoretical/explanatory levels:
- a first project (coordinated by E. Reuland) aiming at the decomposition of
linguistic universals regarding reflexivization phenomena, so as to make them
more plausible in cognitive and evolutionary terms. This project will use the
electronic infrastructure available from the “Typological Database Project”
coordinated by A. Dimitriadis, who is building a data-base on reflexivization
with M. Everaert. At Verona, researchers include D. Delfitto, G. Graffi and P.
- a second project on Indian languages, aiming at an accurate description of
their reflexivization phenomena, coordinated by M. Everaert, and conducted in
collaboration with K.V. Subbarao from Delhi University.
The present Verona-Utrecht project will deal with the interpretative aspects of
reflexivization. First, the available data-base will allow to identify
constructions expressing an interpretation similar to that expressed in many
European languages by reflexive or reciprocal pronouns, or by equivalent
markers. Then, the task will be to find out which other interpretations may be
expressed by these constructions in the given language(s).
Application Deadline: 15-Sep-2008
Web Address for Applications:
Contact Information:
Prof. Camilla Bettoni
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
PhD Student, University of Verona, Italy: General Linguistics
9:26 PM
