A 4-year position for a PhD student is available in the Auditory Periphery Lab in the Dept. of Neuroscience of the Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, the Netherlands. The student will record from single auditory nerve fibers of Mongolian gerbils and, in a later stage, of the Leopard frog. The setup for neural recordings from the gerbil is operational. Recordings from the frog will be performed at UCLA, California during a 4-month collaboration project with Dr. P. Narins.
Applicants should have an M.Sc. in Biology, Medicine, Biophysics, or equivalent, with a demonstrable interest in Neuroscience research. Affinity with quantitative techniques is required. Experience with electrophysiological techniques is preferred.
More details of the project can be found on our lab page http://beta.neuro.nl/research/vanderheijden/.
More information on the Dept of Neuroscience can be found at http://www.neuro.nl/.
Mail your application including a CV and the names of one or two references to Dr. Marcel van der Heijden, m.vanderheyden[at]erasmusmc.nl
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
PhD Studentship Auditory Electrophysiology, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam.
8:15 PM
