EURANDOM is the European Research Institute for the study of random phenomena. Research at EURANDOM covers stochastics and its applications, as well as its interfaces with other disciplines.
Stochastics consists of statistics, probability and stochastic operations research. The core business of EURANDOM is fundamental research in an international environment, carried out by a non-tenured staff of junior researchers and senior advisors supplemented with an extensive programme of seminars, workshops and visitors.
Research at EURANDOM is clustered into thematically organized research programmes:
- Queueing and Performance Analysis - Performance Analysis of Production Systems;
- Performance Analysis of Communication Systems,
- Queueing Theory,
- Multivariate Risk Modelling;
- Random Spatial Structures - Critical Phenomena;
- Disordered Systems;
- Combinatorial Probability;
- Statistical Information and Modelling - Statistical Signal and Image Analysis;
- Statistics in Biology and Statistics in Industry.
At present the junior staff consists of approximately twenty-five internationally recruited post-doctoral researchers and graduate students under the guidance of senior advisors. Vacancies at EURANDOM occur at any time during the year and are not restricted to the beginning of the academic year.
Postdoctoral appointments are typically for two years (but shorter periods can be discussed as well). Appointments for Ph.D. positions are typically for three to four years. Furthermore we welcome candidates who wish to apply for an external research grant, e.g. the Marie Curie Individual Fellowship from the European Uni0n or for a research grant from European or American science foundations such as DFG, FWO, CNRS, EPSRC, NSF etc.).
We have built up expertise with the application procedures consequently we are willing to help you with the application. Candidates with a mathematical background and who have a particularly strong background in Stochastic are invited to send a letter of application together with a curriculum vitae with full educational details to EURANDOM.
Applicants for a post-doc position should also include a list of publications, a pre-print of a selected paper, and names and contact details of three academic referees.
Applicants for a Ph.D. position should include information on their thesis.
The complete package should be sent to: O.J.
Boxma Scientific Director EURANDOM P.O.
Box 513 5600 MB Eindhoven
The Netherlands
For further information have a look at our website or
contact us at office @
Phone: +31 40 247 8100
Fax: +31 40 247 8190
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Postdoctoral Researchers and PhD Students in Stochastics at EURANDOM - Netherlands
11:33 AM
