1 PostDoc & 2 PhD Positions [2+/3 y; PhD (for PostDoc) or university degree (for PhD) in meteorology, oceanography, mathematics, or physics; experience in dynamical systems theory, climate modelling, and analysis of observational/model data advantage; E 13 TV-L] / University of Kiel / deadline October 31
1 Post-Doctoral Position and 2 Ph.D. Positions
Leibniz-Institute of Marine Sciences (IFM-GEOMAR), University of Kiel
Three positions are sought for a DFG funded project on improving our understanding of Atlantic multi-decadal climate variability and predictability, beginning January 1st, 2008.
Postdoctoral scientist shall be employed to develop and apply a hybrid-coupled model for investigating the solution space of Atlantic climate variability with respect to key parameters. Results will be used to reduce uncertainties in the mechanisms of Atlantic multi-decadal variability, and to explain variability of climate models.
PhD student shall be employed to analyse the simulated variability in climate models and in idealized model experiments.
PhD student shall be employed to investigate statistical/dynamical methods for ocean reconstruction using historical data. The work will involve running coupled and uncoupled climate models.
Applicants for the postdoctoral position must have a PhD in meteorology, oceanography, mathematics, or physics. Applicants for the PhD positions must have a university degree in mathematics, physics, meteorology, or oceanography. Experience in dynamical systems theory, climate modelling, and analysis of observational/model data are desired.
The postdoctoral position is initially for two years, but with possible extension to a third year. The PhD positions are each for three years. The salary class will be E 13 TV-L of the German tariffs for public employees. The IFM-GEOMAR is an equal opportunity employer and encourages female scientists and scientists with disabilities to apply.
Applications must be in writing, and include a cover letter, CV, contact details of at least two referees, and a one-page statement outlining the applicant’s research interests.
Applications are to be sent by the 31st of October 2007 to:
Position - “Decadal-Variability”
Leibniz-Institut für Meereswissenschaften
IFM-GEOMAR Personalbüro
Wischhofstrasse 1-3
D-24148 Kiel, Germany
Questions are to be directed towards the project leader Dr. Noel Keenlyside (nkeenlyside @ ifm-geomar.de ) Phone: +49(0)431 600 4054
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
1 PostDoc & 2 PhD Positions in Meteorology, Oceanography, Mathematics, or Physic - German
11:34 AM
