Full Scholarships for Master and PhD study in UEM
Application deadline : March 31 of the year of admission
The SEA-UEMA Project is a partnership between the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) and the Asian Institute of Technology. Its goal is to contribute to the improvements of urban environmental conditions in Southeast Asia. It seeks to attain improved implementation and sharing of sound urban environmental management policies and practices.
The focus of the project is on three key urban environmental sub-sectors, water and sanitation, solid waste and air pollution, with poverty reduction and gender equality as the two crosscutting themes. The projects two key components are UEM Graduate Education, and UEM Applications and Networks.
Under the UEM Graduate Education component, the project provides full scholarships for graduate level education and research at master (M.Sc.) and doctoral (Ph.D.) levels (full time and non-resident). These scholarships from the SEA-UEMA project are available for selected applicants from countries of Southeast Asia.
Scholarship Details
Each scholarship covers full tuition fees, accommodation and a monthly bursary towards living expenses as per AIT standards, for the duration of the study program. The full time master program funding is for a period of four semesters (22 months) and the full time doctoral program funding is for a period of six semesters (36 months). The funding is also available for non-resident doctoral program.
Over the project period of 2003-2008, CIDA is providing 55 master and 10 doctoral scholarships
Criteria for Awarding CIDA Scholarships
* The applicant has to fulfill AIT admission criteria
* The applicant must be from canadian ODA eligible southeast Asian countries (Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Philippines, Timor-Leste, Thailand and Vietnam). Applicants from other developing countries of Asia are eligible for other sources of funding
* Preference would be given to applicants having UEM related work experience.
* Preference would be given to qualified women applicants.
Entry date for the UEM Field of Study : August
For enquiries & application forms,please email at:
Tel/Fax: 66-2-5245699
Dr. L.A.S. Ranjith Perera
Director, SEA-UEMA Project and
Coordinator, Alumni Demonstration Projects Component
Southeast Asia Urban Environmental Management Applications
(SEA-UEMA) Project
School of Environment, Resources and Development
Asian Institute of Technology
P.O. Box 4, Klong Luang, Pathumthani 12120, Thailand
Tel: 66-2-5245619, 02-5245777, Fax: 66-2-5246380, 66-2-5248338
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
AIT-CIDA Full Scholarships for Master and PhD study in UEM
9:37 AM
