The Geological Survey of Norway (NGU), based in Trondheim, is the central national institute for knowledge of the bedrock, mineral resources, surface deposits and groundwater of mainland Norway and of the near-surface geology of the Norwegian continental shelf. The Survey's tasks include geological, geophysical and geochemical mapping, development and maintenance of databases, research, information activities and advice to governmental bodies and industry. The NGU staff of 225 includes representatives of 22 nationalities and 65% of the staff are scientists.
For general information about NGU's organisation and mandate, see
NGU invites applicants for a 3,5 years (2007-2010) post-doctoral research position in glaciological ice sheet/climate modelling. The position is affiliated with the Landscape and Climate research group, and is funded through the SciencePub project by the Research Council of Norway as part of the International Polar Year 2007-2008 program.
The main objective of the research is to advance fundamental knowledge of long-term natural climate change by:
* Modelling of former ice sheets and ice-dammed lakes
* Modelling dynamics of ice streams and lobes under different climatic scenarios
Scientific challenges include among others extracting climate information from geologically constrained ice sheet models, and exploring the influence of ice-dammed lakes on ice sheet dynamical behaviour.
The successful applicant will work in a group consisting of Quaternary terrestrial and marine geologists, and physical geographers. He/she will be responsible for developing the field of ice sheet/climate modelling within this team, and is expected to interact closely with the earth scientists both regarding data for constraining the modelling and in developing modelling experiments and topics. Thus, we are looking for a person with abilities to work independently as well as in close collaboration with other members of the team. Networking and international collaboration with relevant modelling scientists/communities will be very important for succeeding. The person appointed is expected to take part in fieldwork both in Norway and abroad, and might supervise students connected to the project. The position requires a PhD in earth sciences or physics/mathematics, and documented experience in relevant fields of modeling. A strong track record of scientific communication is also a requisite.
NGU encourages applications from female scientists. We can offer a favourable working environment, unique scientific challenges and good possibilities for participation in international forums and in education programmes. A kindergarten is run by and for NGU employees. Salary is dependent on qualification and experience (approximately 420-465,000 NOK per year).
For further information, please contact:
Eiliv Larsen (eiliv.Larsen[at], Tel.: +47 73904161), Jochen Knies (jochen.knies[at], Tel.: +47 73904116), or Øystein Nordgulen (oystein.nordgulen[at], tel. 73 90 40 00), and visit the project and team websites:
Application with CV, reprints, and name and address of three professionals for reference should be submitted on by October 1, 2007.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Postdoctoral Position in Ice Sheet / Climate Modeling, Geological Survey of Norway (NGU)
9:35 AM
