Applications are invited for a Ph.D. position to work on
Interacting stochastic models on complex networks
Complex networks with small-world properties occur in a multitude of real-world communication networks. In this project we shall investigate the nature of interacting systems on such networks and understand their phase-transitions.
The student will be supervised by C. K ulske, A. C. D. van Enter(Groningen) and R. van der Hofstad (Eurandom, Eindhoven). The Ph.D. student will be based in Groningen with longer visits to Eurandom.
The Groningen group working on the probability theory of interacting systems will consist of two sta members, two senior part-time positions and 4 Ph.D. students, and has strong international ties.
The contract is for 4 years and the Ph.D. student will be a full employee of the University of Groningen, with monthly salary according to the Collective Labour Agreement of Dutch Universities. This is at the moment 1956, 2279, 2387, 2502 Euro for the rst year up to the fourth year. The position is nanced by an NWO (Netherlands Organisation for Scienti c Research) “Open Competitie” grant. It is open for both non-Dutch and Dutch applicants.
For further information please contact Dr. Christof Kuelske,
e-mail kuelske[at] (changet [at] with @)
and see the web-site
Interested candidates should direct a pdf- le with their application
to the above emailaddress.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Ph.D. Assistantship University of Groningen, Netherlands
7:24 PM
