The Scuola Interpolitecnica di Dottorato (Inter-Polytechnic Doctorate School) is managed jointly by the three Italian polytechnic schools (Institutes of Technology) –of Torino (PoliTO), Bari (PoliBA) and Milano (PoliMI), to realize a joint project of high qualification doctorate focused on the following scientific areas:
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)
Biomedical and Biomechanical Engineering (BBE)
Environmental and Territorial Safety and Control (ETSC)
Innovation Management and Product Development (INN.PROD)
Nanotechnology and Nanostructured Innovative Materials (NANO).
All the awarded positions are granted by specific scholarships; at least half of the scholarships are reserved to graduates from other universities, whether Italian or foreign.
Participation in the competitive examination is open to candidates in possession of a Master of Science degree or of an analogous degree obtained abroad; participation is also open to students who will obtain their Master of Science degree by and not later than 31 December 2007.
There are no restrictions in terms of age and nationality. Participation in the selection is open to research grants holders; in case of admission they shall withdraw from the grant before their
enrollment in the school.
Students already enrolled in a Doctorate course and Research Doctors cannot participate to the selection for the S.I.P.D.
Further information about the selection procedure and the presentation of your documents may be found at the page F.A.Q. – section “Admission to S.I.P.D.” See the official announcement link below.
Deadline: 28 th September 2007
Click here for detail.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Italy PhD Scholarships in Various Fields at Scuola Interpolitecnica
7:28 PM
