14 Marie Curie Phd Fellowships Location: Germany The University of Potsdam, Project “Marie-Curie-Initial Training Network ENGLOBE Enlightenment and Global History” offers preferably to the February 1st, 2010 14 Marie Curie PhD Fellowships All fellowships include funding for 3 years. The Living and mobility allowances are between around 30.000 € and 47.000 € per year. The Potsdam University is Co-ordinator of the Marie-Curie-Initial Training Network ENGLOBE Enlightenment and Global History which is funded by the European Union in the 7th Framework Programme. ENGLOBE is an interdisciplinary network of researchers seeking to develop historical perspectives on the changing interactions and interrelations between Europe and other world regions, thus promoting an understanding of the cultural and historical dimensions of current globalization processes. European academic partner institutions in the project are Universitat Potsdam (DE), Universidade de Coimbra (PT), Uni-versite de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (FR), Uniwersytet Zielonogorski (PL), Technische Universitat Berlin (DE), National University of Ireland Galway (IE), Middle East Technical University Ankara (TR), Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas Madrid (ES), Queen’s University Belfast (UK). Responsibilities: Selected graduates will take part in the ENGLOBE training programme and do their PhD in the field of Enlightenment and Global History Research. This concerns research on European and Extra-European relationships within the 18th Century as well as on reception processes and systematic questions of globalization until today. The dissertation should be situated in one of the following four thematic areas: •comparative history and transfers of knowledge and sciences •good primary degree in the humanities (history, philosophy, literature, cultural studies, art history or similar fields) Graduates will be hosted at one of the partner institutions mentioned above. At the time of selection researchers should not have resided or received education or employment in the state of this hosting partner institution for a period exceeding 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to their recruitment. For information about the Marie Curie mobility rules please consult: http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/people/home_en.html For more detailed information about the ENGLOBE Programme please visit our homepage: http://www.engIobe-itn.net The University of Potsdam is an equal opportunity employer. Please send your application (including a formal letter of application with contact details, outline of research interests, declaration of motivation, Curriculum Vitae, graduation certificates and an outline (3 pages) of your proposed PhD project) until the December 15th, 2009 to Prof. Dr. Iwan-Michelangelo D’Aprile, Project manager ENGLOBE, University of Potsdam, Historisches Institut, Am Neuen Palais 10, Haus 6, D-14469 Potsdam, Germany or via email: daprile@uni-potsdam.de
Application Address: Historisches Institut, Am Neuen Palais 10, Haus 6, D-14469 Potsdam, Germany
Start date: February 1st, 2010
Salary: 30.000 € - 47.000 € per year
Contract type: Full time
Contract term: temporary
•comparative patterns of perception
•values in hybrid cultural spaces
•extra-European and European cultural models of “evolution”
•high motivation in performing interdisciplinary research
•fluent English; additional languages would be advantageous
•mobility (the willingness to live and work in a foreign country)
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Marie Curie Phd Fellowships Germany 2010 2011
9:23 AM
