This ethnopharmacology project will involve patch clamp and extracellular recordings using rat hippocampus and xenophus oocytes to determine the GABA,NMDA,AMPA effects of plant biocompounds as well as animal behaviour in relation to plant biocompounds These important studies will provide new data on diverse plant biocompounds and to develop new treatments for medical problems concerning learning and memory.
The two applicants should possess a PhD or equivalent degree with experience in:
1) patch clamp, extracellular recordings or more in the fields of electroneurophysiology research fields. The successful postdoc/scientist must be able to perform current- or voltage-clamp recording with hippocampal brain slices and dissociated neurons as well as whole-cell patch recording as well as designing the experiment and doing the statistical evaluations
2) Animal Behaviour using animal behaviour equipment such as Active/Passive Avoidance, Water Morris, different type of Mazes and many other behaviour tests. The postdoc must be able to communicate in reasonable good English and thus transfer the results onto scientific publications. Previous postdoctoral training is required. The electrophysiology equipment currently available is from NPI of Germany. The animal behaviour are from Panlab, Colburn and many other vendors. The department provides training at the undergraduate, postgraduate and post doctoral levels in clinical and basic neurosciences. The Department of Neurosciences, USM can be viewed at
Salary depends on experience and education and the duration is for 1 to 3 years and may be extended depending on funding. The candidate if an excellent one may be invited to be a junior faculty member. The position is immediately available and is fixed term for one year extending up to 3 years. The following documents should be enclosed with your application:
A completed application form(an email with the form attached will be sent once contact is made with the Head of Department)
A Curriculum Vitae
A copy of your qualification certificates
A description of future research interests and scientific goals (a maximum of two pages)
Two letters of recommendation from your previous supervisor or postdoc supervisor who will testify to your electrophysiology and animal behaviour interpretation skills
Please courier your applications to: Professor Dr. Jafri Malin Abdullah, Head, Department of Neurosciences, Hospital University Sains Malaysia/School of Medical ciences, Health Campus, Universiti Sains Malaysia 16150 Kubang Kerian, Kelantan, MALAYSIA. Fax No.: +609-7648613 and email: deptneurosciencesppspusm[ at ] and/ or neurohead[ at ]
Monday, February 2, 2009
Postdoctoral Position in Electrophysiology and Ethno-neuropharmacology and Behaviour Pharmacology, University Sains Malaysia
12:57 PM
