The Interdisciplinary Centre for Clinical Research IZKF “BIOMAT.” at the RWTH Aachen University invites applications for the Position of a Post-doctoral and PhD positions for functional neuroimaging.
The RWTH Aachen University is the leading technical University in Germany. Its medical faculty has a focus on functional neuroimaging in neuro-psychiatric disorders. A research-dedicated 3T MR scanner (Siemens Tim Trio) plus a 3T and two 1.5T Achieva systems (Phillips) are set into the clinical and international research environment. Positions are available to promote methodological excellence. Topics can be suggested but could encompass fast 3d functional imaging with 32-channel parallel imaging, functional spectroscopy, artefact-compensated functional imaging, and real-time fMRI with neurofeedback. Supervision can be provided also in cooperation with imaging sites in Jülich, Maastricht, and London.
The post-doc position is envisioned to head the functional imaging unit of the IZKF. MR physicians with pulse programming experience are preferred; however also other applicants with interest in method development for MR and functional imaging will be considered. For informal inquiries and further information contact the technical coordinator Prof. Klaus Mathiak (kmathiak[ at ] or +49 241 80 89640).
The RWTH Aachen encourages the employment of women. Qualified women are therefore especially invited to apply.
Handicapped applicants are favourably considered in the case of equal qualification,
Applications (English/German) must include a full CV and name and address of two references and should be submitted by mail to:
University Hospital Aachen, RWTH Aachen
Dept. Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
Prof. Klaus Mathiak, MD PhD
Pauwelstrasse 30
52074 Aachen
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Post-doctoral and PhD positions for functional neuroimaging, IZKF BIOMAT, University Hospital Aachen, RWTH Aachen, Germany
4:11 PM
