To award full scholarships to non-final year undergraduate students for studying approved courses/programs at specified overseas universities in 2010/2011 academic year (Lists of the approved disciplines and overseas universities in Attachment A). To enable students to have more exposure in their fields of study, applicants will have the flexibility to major in a different discipline, other than the one the applicant is currently studying, while aboard. The majoring discipline, however, will have to be listed in the approved disciplines list by HSBC as below: All disciplines under architecture, business and economics, communication, computer science/information systems, construction and land use, dentistry, design, education, engineering, health care, hotel and tourism, law, medicine, science (basic and applied), social sciences, textiles, and arts subjects (linguistics and languages, translation, history, geography, fine arts and applied arts) and environment. Value of Awards : Full scholarship shall be awarded Application Deadline : 5:30pm, Friday, 15 January 2010
(Maximum total value of scholarships for all awardees is HK$869,118)
Coverage : – Full Tuition fees
- A minimum economy return airfare
- Reasonable room and board costs, books and a small portion of living expenses (List of expenses covered by the scholarship award amount is in Attachment B)
Eligibility : – Non-final year undergraduate students
- HK permanent residents with right of abode in HK
(Office hours: Mondays – Fridays, 9am – 1pm, 2pm – 5:30pm)
Friday, September 11, 2009
HSBC Overseas Scholarship Scheme 2010/2011
9:34 AM
