Monday, August 31, 2009

PhD Positions in Architecture Italy 2009 2010

The University IUAV of Venice announces the comparative evaluation, based on qualifications and exams, for admission to the IUAV School of Doctorate Studies 2009/10 academic year, for the following courses:

a) Architectural Composition – places available: eight.
b) New Technologies and Territorial and Environmental Information-places available: four.
c) Territory: Planning and Policy Making – places available: eight
d) Design Sciences – available places: six.
e) History of Architecture and Urban Planning – available places: six.
f) Urban Planning – available places: eight.

g) Theories and History of the Arts (ARS) – places available: four.
h) Quality of Design - European Doctorate in Architecture and Urban Planning, V Cycle – places available: four.

website link:—anno-ac/index.htm

Admission Call:—anno-ac/bando-2009-2010-inglese.pdf