The University IUAV of Venice announces the comparative evaluation, based on qualifications and exams, for admission to the IUAV School of Doctorate Studies 2009/10 academic year, for the following courses: a) Architectural Composition – places available: eight. website link: Admission Call:
b) New Technologies and Territorial and Environmental Information-places available: four.
c) Territory: Planning and Policy Making – places available: eight
d) Design Sciences – available places: six.
e) History of Architecture and Urban Planning – available places: six.
f) Urban Planning – available places: eight.
g) Theories and History of the Arts (ARS) – places available: four.
h) Quality of Design - European Doctorate in Architecture and Urban Planning, V Cycle – places available: four.—anno-ac/index.htm—anno-ac/bando-2009-2010-inglese.pdf
Monday, August 31, 2009
PhD Positions in Architecture Italy 2009 2010
9:58 AM
