The Leibniz Institute of Marine Sciences (IFM-GEOMAR) at the University
of Kiel is one of the leading institutes in marine research worldwide.
Its major goal is fundamental research in all areas of marine sciences.
We are offering a PhD position in Evolutionary Ecology and Genetics of an Invasive Comb Jelly in the research unit Evolutionary Ecology of Marine Fishes
The successful applicant will study the population genetics of the
invasive comb jelly Mnemiopsis leidyi that has recently colonized North
and Baltic Sea and may result in drastic ecosystem changes in the
pelagic zone. Key goals are to (1) reconstruct the invasion history and
sources (2) compare genetic diversity at neutral and selected markers
over time and between populations (3) assess the importance of
hybridization for invasion success. Moreover, genome scans using SNPs
and microsatellites derived from EST libraries will be developed to
address the potential role for rapid adaptation of invading Mnemiopsis
to its new environment at the molecular genetic level. Through the
cluster of excellence ‘The Future Oceanâ€TM, our group has access to
state-of-the art molecular genetic and genomic tools (Q-PCR, Roche454
and solid sequencing, capillary sequencing and fragment analysis, array
technology). The project will also involve a substantial effort in
worldwide field sampling either from the coast or during research ship
cruises for obtaining plankton samples. If the requirements are
fulfilled, a doctorate of science, equivalent to a PhD degree, can be
granted by the University of Kiel after 3 years. All PhD students are
members of the graduate school ISOS = Integrated School of Ocean
Sciences (
We request a Master or Diploma degree in Biology, Evolution, Ecology,
Genetics or a related subject. Basic experience with molecular genetic
techniques is required. Preference will be given to candidates with one
or more of the following areas of expertise, best demonstrated through
their thesis work, or scientific publications:
microsatellite genotyping, EST library construction, SNP genotyping,
genome scans, evolutionary biology, population genetics, invasion
biology, evolutionary bioinformatics.
This is a half time position is available for a period of 3 years,
starting immediately. The salary is according to class 13 TV-L of the
German tariffs for public employees and will be approximately 25 000
Euro gross /yr.
Working language in the group is English. The Leibniz-Institute of
Marine Sciences is an equal opportunity employer and encourages female
scientists and scientists with disabilities to apply.
Please send your applications for this post no later than 10 March 2009
by e-mail using the keyword “invasion genetics” to Prof. Thorsten Reusch
( ).
Please give name and address of two references and add a short statement
of your interest in this position.
For more information please visit
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
PhD Position in Leibniz Institute of Marine Sciences (IFM-GEOMAR)
1:38 PM
