Fellowship Scheme for Doctoral Work in Criminology and Police Science
Fresh applications are invited from Indian Nationals for the Award of six Fellowships for Doctoral Work in Criminology and Police Science.
Tenure: The fellowship is tenable for three years.
Value of fellowship:
Rs.8,000/- per month for the first two years and Rs.9,000/- per month in the third year plus contingency grant of Rs.10,000/- per annum and departmental assistance of Rs.3,000/- per year will be paid to the institution where the fellow is registered for Ph. D work.
1. The candidate should have 1st/ 2nd class Master’s Degree with not less than 55% marks or equivalent grade in Criminology/ Sociology/ Social Work/ Psychology/ Social Anthropology/ Public Administration/ Political Science Law.
2. NET/ SET qualified candidate will be given preference but it is not the criteria of selection.
3. The candidate should either be registered for Ph. D programme with any recognized Indian University or should be in the process of registration from the date of award of fellowship. Preference will be given to those who are completed one-year Ph. D programme and having some good work and assessment of research work.
4. Age: 30 years as on 30.06.2008
5. Reservation: Twenty percent reserved for SC/ST candidates and 30% reserved for women candidates of the total number of fellowships.
6. Application forms and rules: Copies of rules and prescribed application for fellowship scheme in Criminology and Police Sciences are available on request or can be downloaded from our website www.bprd.gov.in. The request should be addressed to The Director General, Bureau of Police Research & Development, Ministry of Home Affairs, Block No. 11, 4th Floor, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi – 110 003. Applicants are required to send self addressed unstamped envelope (28 cm x 12 cm) attached with the request.
7. Method of Selection: All applications will be closely processed & scrutinized by the Bureau of Police Research and Development & then placed before the Fellowship awards committee constituted for the purpose by the DG, BPR & D.
The committee will comprise of experts/ specialists from relevant disciplines, DG, BPR&D will be its Chairman. In accordance with the committee’s remarks and evaluation of each candidate, a merit list will be prepared for selection with the approval of DG, BPR&D on behalf of Central Govt. The decision of the committee in regard to the selection or rejection of candidates will be final and binding in all respects.
8. Opening dare for receipt of applications: 1st week of May of every year. Advertisement will appear in leading national dailies (English/Hindi) in the first week of May of every year.
9. Closing date for receipt of applications: 30th June of every year. Application in prescribed form should be sent to, The Director General, Bureau of Police Research & Development, Ministry of Home Affairs, Block NO. 11, 4th Floor, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi – 110 003 superscribing on the cover ‘Application for Doctoral Fellowship in Criminology and Police Science’ so as to reach the aforementioned address.
10. Incomplete and late applications will not be considered. Any canvassing by or on behalf of the candidates by bringing political and other pressure and influence with regard to the selection, shall be considered as a disqualification.
11. Following Copies of certificate and testimonials are to be attached with the application form:
a) Certified copies of High School Certificate in the evidence of age.
b) Copies of all degree, diploma or certificate obtaining along with marks sheets duly attested by a Gazetted Officer of the Central or State Government or by the Head of the Institution.
c) Copies of published work if any, original should not be sent. Safe, return of any original document cannot be guaranteed. The original shall however be sent if specifically asked for by the Bureau of Police Research & Development and
d) If the candidate belongs to SC/ST, he/she should send a certificate in evidence of Caste.
It is preferable that the topic of research belongs to any of the following areas:
1) Transparency in Police Recruitment
2) Key Performance Indicators or measurably of police performance
3) Police Public Interface
4) Developing Models of specialised training and
5) Use of Information Technology in Police work
6) CPMFs as a preferred career among the youth of today
7) Tendency among CPMFs – personnel to get disinterested in their job after joining and to quit early
8) The number and types of diseases which CPMF personnel face due to adverse service conditions
9) The reasons for increasing stress on CPMF personnel and possible remedies therefore, if any or any other that the candidate may suggest and that the subject is considered for value.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
India Fellowship Scheme for Doctoral Work in Criminology and Police Science
7:20 PM
