Within the Institute for Materials Research (IMO) of Hasselt University, the following position (m/f) is available:
PhD student Experimental Physics (2 x 2 years)
(mandate WNI/2008/014)
Job description
The PhD student will conduct research within the BOF-project “Fabrication of nanocrystalline diamond-based acoustic devices for (bio-)sensing purposes”. Two main pathways will be followed, covering both “piezoelectric-on-diamond” as well as “diamond-on-piezoelectric”, combining thin nanocrystalline CVD diamond films with piezoelectric materials such as AlN, langasite, etc. Research will focus on devices based on surface and bulk acoustic waves, such as piezoelectric bimorph micro-cantilevers, flexural plate wave (FPW) devices, and thickness shear mode resonators. In a first stage, the candidate will have to get acquainted with deposition techniques and material optimisation followed by fabrication and characterisation of several device structures in order to obtain superior sensitivity levels than those currently available
Profile and diploma
Master degree (or equivalent) in either physics, chemistry, biomedical sciences, engineering or materials science. A background in material science and/or sensor technology is a plus.
Further information
* Content job responsibilities:
* dr. Ken Haenen, (IMO), +32-11- 26 88 75, ken.haenen@uhasselt.be
* Prof. dr. Marc D’Olieslaeger (IMO), +32–11–26 88 15, marc.dolieslaeger@uhasselt.be
* Content terms of employment and selection procedure: Jef Vanvoorden, 011-26 80 80, jef.vanvoorden@uhasselt.be
Applicants must use the official application forms
* which are available at the Rectoraat of Hasselt University, Campus Diepenbeek, Agoralaan - building D, B-3590 Diepenbeek (Belgium), phone +32 - 11 - 26 80 03
* or which can be downloaded here http://www.uhasselt.be/download/APengelsUH.doc
The completed application forms must reach the above mentioned address no later than Friday, June 6th 2008.
Application by e-mail will only be taken into consideration when sent to the following address: jobs@uhasselt.be.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Germany; PhD student Experimental Physics
3:07 PM
