PhD Positions in Computer Science and Computer Engineering
UCD School of Computer Science and Informatics
UCD College of Engineering, Mathematical and Physical Sciences
The Systems Research Group is now seeking well-qualified, motivated
PhD researchers who want to be part of the second phase of our
development into a world-class research group in systems and software
technology. The SRG focuses on the systems aspects of computer
science: how individual components are created and composed to create
large-scale, highly functional adaptive systems.
To date the group has secured over €5m in funding from a variety of
sources in the areas of pervasive computing, visualisation, systems,
software verification, software engineering, digital radio hardware,
semantics and software tools. In addition the group works closely
with industry partners such as IBM, Intel, Microsoft Research,
Oracle, and Hewlett Packard.
About the SRG:
The SRG started in April of 2005 and has now grown to encompass five
faculty, five postdoctoral researchers and over 30 Ph.D. students.
The SRG is located in the School of Computer Science and Informatics,
University College Dublin (UCD) in Dublin, Ireland. UCD has over
22,000 students including 2,500 international students from over 80
countries and is situated on a large modern campus 4 km to the south
of the centre of Dublin.
The Irish Government (SFI/Forfas) Baseline Study that ranked Irish
research groups identified the School of Computer Science and
Informatics at University College Dublin as the best Computer Science
department in the country, having “a very strong impact
internationally in their research.”
Positions: (updated as positions are filled)
Title: Applied Formal Methods - 1 Position.
Supervisors: Dr.Joe Kiniry & Dr.Simon Dobson.
Further Details:
Title: Electronic Engineering Digital Signal Processing - 1 Position.
Supervisors: Dr.Chris Bleakley & Dr.Simon Dobson.
Title: Embedded Systems - 2 Positions.
Supervisors: Dr.Simon Dobson, Dr.Chris Bleakley & Prof.Paddy Nixon.
Title: Evidence Based Tissue Micro Array (TMA) Image Classification -
1 Position.
Supervisor: Dr.Aaron Quigley
Further Details:
Title: Autonomic Configuration Manager (Oracle) - 1 Position.
Supervisors: Prof.Paddy Nixon & Dr.Aaron Quigley.
Title: Pervasive Systems and Middleware - 2 Positions.
Supervisors: Prof.Paddy Nixon, Dr.Aaron Quigley & Dr.Simon Dobson.
Title: Pervasive and Personalisable Health Technology - 2 Positions.
Supervisors: Prof.Paddy Nixon, Dr. A. Quigley, Dr. S. Dobson, Dr. C.
Application Procedure:
Applicants for PhD Positions should have/expect to achieve at least a
2.1 in Computer Science, Electronic Engineering or a related
discipline with a keen interest in research. Informal enquiries to
Professor Paddy Nixon, School of Computer Science and Informatics,
All applicants should return a completed application form with
referee reports and CV to: with the the Title of
the PhD for which they are applying in the `subject line’.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
10 PhD positions in CS, University College Dublin, Ireland
11:19 AM
