Master in Public Policy (MPP) Programme provides a strong foundation in conceptual and analytical skills for future public service leaders and individuals with an interest in understanding and influencing how public policy choices are made.
Master in Public Policy (MPP) students benefit from the School’s growing network of exchange arrangements of up to 1 year with public policy schools worldwide. The School also conducts an active programme of seminars and public lectures by political, not-for-profit and business leaders to enable all students to complement their formal learning with the opportunity to interact with distinguished individuals who are shaping the future.
Master in Public Policy (MPP) Programme Requirements:
The minimum candidature period for the MPP is 18 months and the maximum is 3 years. Within that time, you must earn at least 72 graduate-level modular credits (MCs) by completing at least 16 modules, comprising 7 core modules (28 MCs) and 9 electives (36 MCs), plus a Policy Analysis Exercise (8 MCs). Most MPP students read 4 modules per semester and complete the requirements in 4 semesters spanning 2 years. You may apply to read electives (up to 12 MCs) taught in other programmes within NUS. You may read a maximum of 5 modules per semester.
To graduate with the Master in Public Policy (MPP), you must obtain a CAP of at least 3.0 for 72 graduate-level MCs, including the MCs for the 7 core modules and the Policy Analysis Exercise.
The application deadline for applicants applying for scholarships or grants is 31 January 2008. For applicants not seeking financial assistance, the application deadline is 31 May 2008.
For the online application booklet please click here.
A list of Frequently-Asked-Questions (FAQ) is also available.
For any other enquiries, please email
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Beasiswa Master S2 di National University of Singapore
4:12 PM
