Auckland University of Technology PhD Scholarship Software Engineering Research Laboratory School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences
A fully funded PhD position is available in the Software Engineering Research Lab at Auckland University of Technology and applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates.
The scholarship is tenable for up to four years to support work in the area of stochastic and fuzzy modelling in the management of software development projects.
Successful candidates will have an Honours (or more likely a Masters) degree in Computer Science or similar technical discipline. They will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the software development lifecycle and have an interest in software project management. Strong development skills, preferably in Java or C++, will be required.
Applications are invited from potential international students as well as New Zealand citizens, Permanent Residents and Australian citizens. Applicants with interests in the areas of Software Product and Process Improvement, Optimisation Algorithms, Requirements Engineering or Visualisation are also invited to apply.
Closing date for applications is 26 January 2008.
Interested applicants should in the first instance send a CV and covering letter to:
Dr Andy Connor (D-75)
School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences
Auckland University of Technology
Private Bag 92006
Auckland 1142
New Zealand
Email: serl[at]
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
PhD Schoolarship in Stochastic and Fuzzy Modelling - Auckland University of Technology (New Zealand)
10:41 PM
